aeiou an absurd creation of your imagination. i have them daily. 000523
aschool another with a hyper active imagination 000523
deadinside i have them sometimes. 010604
TalviFatin Mark Chimera: Green Bay Packers. 010726
silentbob what is chimera? 010726
Casey A greek monster. I think it had the tail of a snake, the body of a lion, and the head of a goat...but dont quote me on that 010727
Casey A greek monster. I think it had the tail of a snake, the body of a goat, and the head of a lion. Mine is named Pongo 010727
Casey That's funny, I didn't press the god-damn blather button the first time! Someone is out to get me 010727
Grievance Chi·me·ra also Chi·mae·ra (k-mîr, k-)
1. Greek Mythology. A fire-breathing she-monster usually represented as a composite of a lion, goat, and serpent.
2. An imaginary monster made up of grotesquely disparate parts.
3. A fanciful mental illusion or fabrication
4. An individual who has received a transplant of genetically and immunologically different tissue.
5. a. An organism, organ, or part consisting of two or more tissues of different genetic composition, produced as a result of organ transplant, grafting, or genetic engineering.
b. A substance, such as an antibody, created from the proteins or genes or two different species
Grievance this word has been visiting my vocabulary more and more.

Chimera walked astudiously. It wasn't that she was late, God knew she didn't care about that. Chimera only knew that there were illusions everwhere, and she intended to outdistance them.
Her foot fell through the opaque floor, and her body followed, though it relented, the foot proved to be victorious. "stupid foot" she thought as she fell.
She didn't pause to think, that her self proclaimed enigma of a chimera was her own doing, and that her foot wasn't the demise of her falling, but her own failing capacity to detect warning.
Chimera arose, and as she had a striking thought as she struck the bottom of whatever hole she had flew in to. The thought was of truth, and her whole body shimmered as the illusions that bound it together rebelled against such an inane but powerful force. There was a glaring light, and all that was left of Chimera was a wet spot on the floor, where her tear had fell.
who i am doesnt matter anymore a good band that ive listend to for some years now. 031021
oldephebe Geez

Can't add anything to what G wrote.

*In voice and cadense of The Right Reverand Pettibone of the Greater Atlanta Baptist Cathedral* "See what YOU wrote said somethin' to my heart. Somethin' culled from Greek antiquity, somethin' made of myth that I would've spat out of my self-righteous so-called sanctified mouth spoke to me about the attributes of God. God can be in the midst of myth, in the midst of a dark place, in the midst of a hard insoluble situation, if you choose to see HIM, God will be in the midst of it, and if you let that bless you...MY my my GLORY! It'll bless you where your at."
oldephebe A thought, an errant thought can grind ya into dust if you don't answer it with somethin' shaped out of light. You can shape sigh, give it it's whieght, its' heft..have it sit on chest and crush you to death...or you can be lifted up high, in the hands of angels, upon the kingdom clouds of your own positive self-affirming can be lifted up to keep your feet from striking a rock, from stumbling into that hole that those unprovoked depressive thoughts can sometimes shape in you.

Yes ya CAN.
misstree i_am_the_doorway
i am so many different things
an ever-shifting archetype
infected by a hundred
different strands
i am this and that
animal depending on
the moment, which face
shifts forward.
IGG this is a card in the madame_endora fortune card deck.
they are very interesting. different to tarot yet still work in a similar way.
i'm just spouting shit to relieve the silence of these condensed moments of apathy. why the fuck does it feel like reality is tripping, skipping like a scratched cd, in the very worst way possible?
birdmad i'm a bird
i'm a beast
i'm a winged Serpent
i'm a poison angel
i'm just this crazy fucker throwing words at a keyboard

what's it to you?
who go