Barrett he took some acid
now he thinks he's a fire engine
it's o.k. until he pisses on your lighter
kinda smells, kinda cool, kinda funny anyway...
roky let me take you to the empty place in my FFiire En-gunnnnn! 001113
startfires who took some exstasy
tried to marry me and everyone in the room
he was kinda loving, kinda caring
kinda tried to fuck my lazyboy

it got a bit messy all over the curtains
armchair covers throw pillows and carpeting

silentbob but then he shaved his feathers off and told me he was going out for the basketball team. he couldn't fly after that.
and i knew my friend was too big for me now...
fresh blathe for rotting grendel oh well
things crumble to an end

hell we all die in the end
girl_jane Then I realized she wasn't really a friend- 020519
silentbob i really don't know what i was trying to say back there 020519
Casey Then he died. We burried him in a cemetery. 020519
squint and she was made of soft things
that tickled me
in such a blissful sort of way.
i had a friend once
who was attatched to me
at the hip
and we walked on sunny schooldays
laughing about nothing
and everything
because everything was just so real.
I had a friend once
and we sort of sighed together
and it was a great sort of sad
because we grew up
and drifted off,
not sure whether I was flying or sinking
or just standing still
as she grew small in the distance.
I had a friend once,
but now she's only another human.
poetic_onslaught who thought he was something he wasn't. we watched "american me" and he thought he was a big time ganster all of a sudden. i took back my gun and told him to fuck off after he tried to turn on me. i miss that piece of shit bastard now. it wasnt his fault, he just didnt know, and he never had a true friend. he was the most loyal friend i ever had up until then. we could've accomplished a lot of things as friends. ok it wasnt all his fault. i was a bit of a backstabber. 020520
poetic_onslaught who had a crazy mother. he ran away from home and stayed with me for a couple of days. some friends of mine told me she put a gun up to their heads when they wouldnt tell her where her kid was, so they told her he was with me. the next day i was walking home from alternative school and she followed me in her minivan. she stopped right beside me and started bitching at me. i saw her reach for her gun and i was gone. and i dont even remember what went on in my mind as i was running or how i lost her. a few days later, somehow, that crazy bitch bugged my house. she would call me and repeat some things that were said in my house too scare me. crazy bitch 020520
poetic_onslaught who turned out to be an enemy. he moved in with me and i though of him as a brother. it turned out that that fuck was talking shit about me. i never felt so betrayed in my life. i let him in when he had no where else to go and fed him. he hardly brought in enough money to support himself but i kept giving him more time. i was only about 14 at the time so it was my mom that was supporting him. that fuckin cocksucker took of advantage of us both and made me look like dumbass. that really hurt and i dont think i ever really got over that anger. in the end i stabbed him with some sissors (unfortunately not nearly deep enough for my satisfaction) and kicked him out. fuckin pussy 020520
birdmad sounds like my buddy damian from a while back

i still want to watch him suffer some horrible traumatic injury

(actually i want to inflict it on him, but he's not worth the legal consequences)
what's it to you?
who go