Well folx, it's been a wonderful month and I think rather a success. Just for the record, the following statements made by me were in observance of National "Fuck With Nocturnal" Month: Nocturnal is addicted to me.(Ok so she said a little but the exagerration on my part was entirely in keeping with the festive holiday spirit of this very special month.) Nocturnal wants to be locked in a padded room with me.(Ok I can't confirm or deny this one but I assumed that she DIDN'T and therefore this qualified as a fun way to participate in NFWNM.) Nocturnal is obsessed with me.(Well she may be obsessive, but I doubt that has anything to do with me. Really. As hard as that may be to believe.(I know!)) Nocturnal is dead.(Although I'm sure the statement "get a life" has been directed towards her on numerous occasions, I'm also sure that she is in fact NOT dead. Once again this was just a little prank to do my part in celebrating the season.) Ha Ha! Ho Ho! So much fun we had this last month. (muffled sobs) I'll miss the comradery, the laughs...the chills...the spills...the chores...the stores...fresh air...Times square...etc. Thank you noc for making this very joyful National observance possible! I think I speak for at least 5 other people when I say...(in the words of the immortal Prince)...We truuuuly adooore yoooouuuuuu...(insert falsetto squeal here)....you don't know what you do to us...baby......babeeeyyy..etc etc - - 8) Daffy
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jesus tapdancing christ, man. drop it already.
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florescent light
this is more irritating than the dog boot co.
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I know. and just when I thought he couldn't get any worse.
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ok, good, it isn't me. ~~~breathes huge sigh of relief~~~ Daffy is our new stan/kaskarkaminski (no offense, i liked him until he freaked out, then i just felt bad for the guy) glad to know it didn't get me first
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Maybe this is one of those viruses that people are always sending me software to protect my 'puter from. Except it's passed around blather via means of subliminal messaging and makes people go crazy. Not that I would say Daffy was crazy as such, but he may have been... 'compromised' by this thing.
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johnny west
Thank you, Daffy. Thank you for filling my supposed page--as well as countless others--with such awe-inspiring drivel. If I am never able to attain or maintain an erection again, it will be because of you. That was a bit blunt, but I don't give one motherfucking shit what anyone thinks about anything anymore.
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hey, well will ya look at this? looks like someone's created what became a page dedicated to everyone's hate for him. HAHAHA!!!
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I just love it when a plan comes together....don't you? : ) Thank you...thank you everyone!!! (Ms. Piggy kisses all around) Muah! Muah! P.S. I have to admit I impress even myself with the depths to which my mind is able to sink in order to provide simple mind-numbing entertainment.
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Mini shy girl.
why is that then Mr. Sad man? are you sad or do you need a woman for real?
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Neither. I just enjoy the free blather and complimentary drinks.
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zappa created a card with an image of a pirate on the front. inside was a single word. "farky".
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and let me guess...you ARE that card? Am I right?
what's it to you?