Twitch Today's goal was to get some motivation...

But...in order to accomplish the goal itself I kinda needed motivation...

The day's not over yet...we'll see what happens.
Twitch IDK... It's hard to have a goal when I just got over a car accident. 051026
Twitch i already finished a song this morning...

Maybe I'll search myspace for bands to join...
That's somewhat of a goal...
or I could try and jam with this cute girl...

I'm sure she has a nice voice...
andru235 well. i really don't know much about you twitch but,

in having made music,
then wondered for a while if you weren't meant for music,
and then gone on to make more music and reach a new goal about it,
|:♫:| repeating
|:♫:| over and over,

you know quite a bit about me.
Twitch I don;t know much about you at all...

Just that you always know the right things to type...

And that you have a keen insight for understanding people (well me at least)
Twitch Alright...a goal eh?

lets see...


get a band...

and love life.
Twitch lets see...I haven't touched this blathe in a while...


Alright...I could start small...just shaving and taking a shower...

but no....

I'm not that bad yet

I could try to finish a song...

or maybe...I could try to go out tonight...


yea...gettin out tonight sounds good...
Twitch Yes! I have something to strive for.

John Lennon Songwriting Contest.

Maybe it's not very realistic at all...but it's something...and it's been son long since I've had something to dream about.
Ouroboros stay present without falling into the circular hurricane of self-deprecating thoughts 060117
Twitch you're absolutely right Ouroboros... No need to spiral down into my own web of negativity.

I'll just try to enjoy myself in the present.
epitome of incomprehensibility Invent a car that runs on nervous energy. 060118
x twisted x my goal for the day is to end my long running stint of negativity and replace it with a smile and som optimism. so far so good. :) 060118
x twisted x my goal for the day is to end my long running stint of negativity and replace it with a smile and some optimism. so far so good. :) 060118
a clever disguise Stay positive.

No crying.

It's lofty, but I think it's time to stop feeling sorry for myself and put on a smile.
a clever disguise Well, it's about closin' time and I have not cried, and I've managed to stay positive.

Going to my siser's tonight though, so, hoping I can keep this goal going through to midnight.
KONY 2012 KONY 2012 120308
a clever disguise Well, I did cry a little last night at bed time. But other than that I did really well.

I acknowledge that I am still in love and that will take a while to go away and will hurt the whole time. Crying is normal.
KONY 2012 KONY_2012 120309
. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Kony 120309
arwyn write.
don't procrastinate.
don't procrastinate.
write some more.
don't procrastinate.
read - oh yes!
don't procrastinate.

I'm here.
I'm procrastinating.
unhinged based on those goals, you are not procrastinating at at least half of them if you are here on blather 181002
arwyn touche

I still managed to write quite a bit today. I'm just tired and am ready to be done. I'm so far away from done. I refuse to rush it, but I've been writing this book for going on 3 years.
unhinged do something else for a few days

i leave my violin in the case for half the week. i'm physically beat up and not as creative as i would like but...i need to take a break regularly. it keeps me going.
what's it to you?
who go