sim peercast sound(e)scapes of the inner universe 020806
josie tacky_pickup_lines_(that_work!) 020825
josie "would you shoot me in the head if i kissed you right now?" 020825
blake fuck off.
what are you trying to achive here?
Perspective_Of_Soul I wonder if that last question was asked to another, or to itself. 020825
fucked once too often I believe it was aimed at the person above who was quoting him 020825
Blake no, she was quoting herself.
But it was directed at me.
ooops that's what I meant 020825
josie ha. way to broadcast.. i didn't think that was going to get that much attention! 020828
Blake well when you're fucking nasty, of course you get attention 020828
josie My blathe's are never meant to achieve anything unless specified so. Pft! I woudl've thought that at least you would know that Blake. Or am i not allowed to mention any references of us anymore?
But that's right, there is more to my life than just you, or Blather, i'm sure you find the same. Thanks for the friendly reminder.
Well folks.. it's a blather_broadcast for you.

Perhaps i'll just use the blather_dustbin next time shall i?
User24 I may be starting a net radio station soon. 030529
Toxic_Kisses what kind of music? 030529
User24 prodigy, slayer, anything in my mp3_collection 030602
User24 I'll probally just offer mp3s for download, though. 030602
Toxic_Kisses is that legal? and DL time takes f0RevEr!! bla! =(
esp. when I can just go to and listen to music in a snap. I like the radio idea but I personaly am not too keen on DLing ur MP3s
User24 whoa! I am broadcasting!

not sure if I am actually, though, someone try to connect to on port 7144
User24 it's a static IP address, so anytime I'm on, it'll be broadcasting (i hope...) 030623
User24 instructions in blather_radio are invaluable thankyou very much. 030623
User24 once you've got the peercast software ( try the URL below

User24 well, there's 36 hours of general techno stuff in the playlist, I'm off into town, if you do manage to connect, leave a message here (or if you try and fail) 030623
User24 winamp also required (duh.) 030623
Toxic_Kisses A lil grayy box pops up and says "access to peercast://pls/EBF3E08285865A3ED55B3E9A243C9DD8?ip= has ben disalowed" *pouts* 030717
User24 yeah, it's only on when I am, and then you also need to download peercast.. and people have been having trouble connecting anyway... I think I'm going to stick to what I know, see project_blather_chat and if you message me, I'll turn on the radio for ya.

how are you doing these days, anyway?been a bit quiet of late
Toxic_Kisses Yea still have to log on @ the library to get here, and thus only have a limited time on-line. Ya know (I mean do you REALLY know? hehehe) truly I can't believe that I've survived this long w/ out a comp @ home(!) although that -might- be changing in a lil while, I won't allow myself to get my hopes up though (why cant we just spell that tho? Do we really need the ugh @ the end?) az for how I'm "doing" (-how- does one "doing" anything anyway?) I just recently found out that my Gram has cancer for the 3rd time in her life, even if I could magically change the world so that innocent animals don't get killed and/or abused and make paul-o-tish-ions care about someone/thing besides themselves and their money I couldn’t change the fact that my Gram has cancer again, so to be blatantly honest I feel sad, depressed, hopeless, and scared as well as VARRY !~*Hatefull*~! tords plastic and coke-ah-cola!!

But I really rather prefur not to make a big thing over it on blather.

Sooooooo enough about me, how are you "doing"?
what's it to you?
who go