. fuck you. well, half of you.

florida too.
realistic optimist ohio was unemployed enough to vote for kerry; if their churches hadn't told them not to, it may have turned out differently. but there never was a separation between church and state really. i mean... even in freakin' oregon, we passed a state marriage amendment to define marriage between one man and one woman... because the churches told their members to vote that way.

at least coors lost the seat in colorado to salazar. but, it's going to take a concerted unified effort for the people of america to not get completely raped by this administration; from health care, to environment, to social security, to human rights. with 3-4 supreme court justices being appointed by this administration we are going to have sore asses for years to come.

i'm feeling the former part of my name a bit more than the latter after yesterday...
Lila Pause Marx was right. Religion IS the opium of the masses... 041103
113 * a_point_in_time - October_surprise *

Moment_of_truth "Without Osama's_reward_to_Bush_1_percent_of_Kerry's_vote, Ohio"s 20 Electoral Votes would be in the kerry's "pocket", with Zero_margin_of_error. " 041104
p2 it's not just ohio
it's 51% of the voting population
it's 11 overwhelmingly anti gay marriage states
it's 75% of arkansas
it's 76% of georgia
it's 75% of kentucky
it's 59% of michigan
it's 86% of mississippi
it's 67% of montana
it's 73% of north dakota
it's 62% of ohio
it's 76% of oklahoma
it's 57% of oregon
it's 66% of utah
. well, of course, technically everyone who 1) voted for bush 2) didn't vote for bush but didn't vote for kerry either 3) didn't vote at all, is complicit.

why not The_Truth remains unchanged:-

Osama_gives_Bush_4_more_years_to_'bankrupt_America, with proof

Tell or show one
WMD To explore further

What constituted Bush"'s Pupular_vote (51%)?



"Weapon_of_Mass_Deception - 377"
= How many percent of Bush"s Popular_Vote?
unhinged well, growing up in ohio my whole life i can tell you i'm honestly not that shocked that bush won the state. but i am shocked at people all over the country's lack of common sense. in the past four years, cleveland has lost 90% of the manufacturing jobs that were left and cleveland supposedly has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, but this election was determined by the war and supposedly 'moral' issues. what i can't understand is how people don't consider unemployment a moral issue. i guess money can't and shouldn't have anything to do with morals. and like r.o. said, ohio is more conservative than people think. there are basically three big cities, one of which houses a vast majority of upper class white people who classically tend to be republican (columbus) and the rest of the state is populated with conservative right wing churchy type farmers.

like my canadian friend here at school said, i have no faith left in this country and the people that live in it. selfishness, capitalism, and greed will backfire on us all in the next four years. i hate to sound all apocolyptic like all the stupid ass bible thumpers that elected the fucktard for his second term, but this may very well be the bloodiest or at least most turmoil filled century in our nation's history. and with the wonderful foreign policies and relations of this fucktard's administration, we will be stranded. all our capitalism and greed coming back to bite us in the ass when we need help from the rest of the world, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

yeah, i have no faith left in this country.
. move_to_canada 041105
unhinged i don't know if i have a legal reason to.

the last i checked, i can't leave just cause i hate this country, its president, and all his mindless uncompassionate fucktard followers. it's in fact illegal for me to leave for that reason.
andru235 please consider doing no more business with diebold voting machines

the ceo guaranteed bush he'd win in your state!

and it all came down to ohio (or so the media made it appear)

florida 2000, j.bush; ohio 2004, diebold's guarantee; what a coincidence!

learn about their voting machine at:
what's it to you?
who go