karl the weed endless has inspired me to start my own fan page

everyone join now! im the only member, and im lonely! (but if you dont want to join thats ok. i can love myself enough for all of blather.)
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thats a lot harder than it looks.

i hoped it worked. its supposed to say karl
we_love_karl_the_weed_club piece of crap! it didnt work!!!! 030628
karl the weed oops 030628
endless desire hi
*waves hand timidly*
User24 hoping thisll work  _     __    ___     ______     __
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User24 shit shitity shit shit. sorry, I tried. 030628
karl the weed its ok. i tried too. if you want to continue (im determined to get this damn thing to work) i made a page for it: test_my_name_thingy

and about the club!!!

WOOOHOO!!!! i feel so loved!! actually, im not sure if user24 is here for the club. but still.
(im sitting next to ferret, who is trying to torniquet his leg with a rubber band.)
at this rate, ill have four people in a hour or two... yay!

i actually do apreciate it. ive only been on blather for a month or two, so most people have yet to discover my brilliance. its ok though. they can burn in hell with hitler and other supremely evil people.
karl the weed ferret is on the way to the hospital

wipes a tear of joy out of his eye
:-) well, love is a little too strong, but if there's free biscuits I'll come along.

stay online, great things are afoot.
karl the weed about the fan page, not ferret. 030628
ferret ummm, no, i doubt that you're brilliant karl, but i'll join so long as i can be the mascot and you make me that damn site so i can put up my "foot tourniquet and protest against cheap sings pics" lol ñåïïà_._wv§+5§UUU*½ô+ grrr oh well, i'll find the happy face one some other time. 030628
endless desire sooooo
how do you guys know each other anyways?
karl the weed were friends... in the REAL world (gasp, theres a real world out there?)

he introduced me to blather.
karl the weed he took a picture of his leg torinquet, and were going to put it on a web page, and well give the link when were done. 030628
karl the weed that was a short lived and pathetic club. woohooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 030701
User24 thing is with underscore_connected_phrases is that they tend to die after a week because they're no longer on the recent list 030701
underscored unless it's exceptionally interesting, like cube_is_a_retard 030701
karl the weed ah... 030701
endless desire all my blathes fall into the lost world of blather. i will be interested to see if any of them come back up months from now from the 3 words or something. who knows. but they always fall. it_is_lonely_to_blather_when_no_One_else_is_around ((i think that's what it is)) has stayed around longer than i thought. i think that's because it's true. 030702
yeah it_is_lonely_to_blather_when_no_one_is_around

that's it
karl the weed endless, you have to do the blather mixed tape.

goto blather_mixed_tape
and a_new_blather_project
karl the weed everyone else should do that too. 030702
Dafremen I'm starting to think karl_the_weed needs his own comic strip. 030702
karl the weed whyever would you say that? 030702
Dafremen Because I've begun thinking that karl_the_weed needs his own comic strip? 030705
karl the weed oh. ok. 030706
nomatter I wanna join. 030926
karl the weed alriiiight

you get a free "karl the weed is way cooler than you or me" t shirt when you join!

just email your credit card number and home adress to david289@aol.com
test test 1 2 1 1 1 030926
what's it to you?
who go