little bug are beautiful 020620
birdmad you got that right 020620
god where?! 020620
daxle on my upper and lower back, and my left forearm 020620
tourist No Longer Just For Side Shows!
Viva le Entegument du Jure!
Sailor Jupiter Yeah we are some sexy bitches!
blamethesky me 020622
little fury bug
i will join the clan in the time of soonness.
little bug im intreged little fury bug, maybe cos we have almost the same name. what ink will you choose? 020701
little fury bug i'm still undecided...but i want something tiny (and i mean tiny) on the inside of my right ankle. nothing extravagant...i'm ever so fickle, i need something good and simple that i can live with for the rest of my life. 020708
tourist "NO DEPOSIT NO RETURN" 020708
The Moor she kneeled down upon the floor
head touching cold earth
waiting, just waiting
he, kneels upon the floor,
knee into ribs
voice raised
words blathered
but not understood
he beat upon her spine
like drums in the distance
red wine and blueberries
tainted upon her skin
hours fades into morning
while light fades into him
... ... 020924
kingsuperspecial I'd like them all over me. tattooed women, tattoos of women, whatever.

I'm easy.

x hi 040119
Death of a Rose definitely sexy...and you can always ask..what did you get...where did you get it...and why did you get that particular symbol. 040119
jezabel decoration of the flesh speaks of drinkable rivers. 040119
Death of a Rose I'd just like to be able to lightly trace my fingertrips over a tattoo on a woman. 040316
sab sometimes the tattoos stay pleasently lumpy
and onecan find them in the dark
by fingertips alone

and sometimes the tats sink into the skin
so silently
that you'll never find them again
with your eyes closed.
ambermoon i am one... i have 2 tattoos and plan to get more... im going to get little red ants tatted running across my feet. 040316
stork daddy rub me to sleep in the crutch of my dreams, rubbing my face like they'd rub their stomach, as if my expressions were just art on a stretch of their arms. 040317
Doar are a rubbing in the graveyard.

Death of a Rose and slightly beyond my sight
even though the lust is there
such a personal moment
as the needle

and slightly outside
such a personnel moment
can it be wrong?

or a tattooed_woman?
back and forth
down low
up high
on the membrane
or hidden in deceit.

reveal the lonely.

rhin 1 down. 1 to go. 130525
rhin you know i am actually pissed off that my first one didn't really hurt. 2 days to go until i cover half of my left arm in words. maybe that one will fucking hurt.

i need help ;)
Death of a Rose can you please send me a pic of done deed?

Death of a Rose help?
to hold
you onto the chair or table?


you don't ever need help in temporary pain.

but i will the ghost standing by the door.

rhin no. help because i want it to hurt. lol 130529
a lone dissenting voice i'd prefer if you weren't. 130529
rhin ghost... Doar? 130529
unhinged new_ink 130529
Doar just something that slipped out of the brainbox.

Hope it didn't scare you too badly.

what's it to you?
who go