silentbob I ran into my old girlfriend last night.

then i backed up and ran into her again.

I miss her sometimes

Scott Ross
sabbie i went on the reconcilliation march a while back. it was a beautiful, sunny, hope filled day. there were thousands of people there, meandering down the road to reconcilliation.

as we walked, i was reminded of when i was young, and my mum used to take me and my little sister on marches, and i really wanted mum to be there, walking alongside me, holding streamers and holding hands.

i really miss her sometimes.
Afro I probably miss her more than sometimes. But the fucked up part is that I wasn't even happy with her. I was always in a bad mood, or pissed off, or jealous. So after all that shit, should I really be missing her? No. I'm better off without her, and I'm glad she's not with me anymore. 040109
silentlybroken I miss her every second of every hour of every single day. I was so incredibly happy with her. She's so pretty. I just want to hold her angelic face again as she softly smiled, look deep in her eyes and tell her so, but I don't think she'll let me. It seems like I've made so many mistakes, the biggest was taking everything for granted. No matter how many mistakes I've made I refuse to make the biggest one, walking away from her. I'll never walk away, I'll never let go, the memories are just too beautiful. 040110
silentlybroken ^
Goodness. I can't believe I ever articulated that. I have since seen sense. I have seen how awful our relationship was, how I always had to put myself out for you, how you always believed you were so much more intelligent than me, that you were always right. You're wrong. You couldn't do what I do if you lived to be 100. I'll let you keep thinking whatever comforts you in those lonely hours without adoration, seeing no faults in yourself, keep telling yourself it was all my fault. But be assured, my dear, I have been your intellectual whore for the last time. No longer will I furnish your confidence with false flattery. I saw you a recently; you looked at me like I was going to acknowledge you. I did. I hope you noticed my irreverent gaze, conveying to you every hate and disgust that is evoked in me by the very incidence of you.
pipedream when i'm lonesome and wish i could call you, and tell you all the things i'm thinking i run a finger over the photograph on my bedside and send a silent hug to whereever you are, and pray you are keeping an eye on me.

i miss you, sometimes desperately and sometimes with a small, sad gnawing at my soul. and i love you, love you always and forever.
.... you gave me something to believe in


to see in

you gave me hope

for .. living..

and then'
you left me here standing
what's it to you?
who go