*runs to the rack of freshly baked, warm [insert favourite type of biscuits]* quick!!!!! THE BISCUITS ARE GETTING COLD! *grabs the nearest one and starts munching* biscuit_time people, get with it!
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come on come on where are all the biscuit addicts, the crumbmakers_anonymous?! *wanders off to get pissed*
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sorry, crumbmakers_anonymous ran late today. i know, i know. as a member of CA i shouldn't be allowed around biscuits. but i only joined CA because biscuits - while delicious anyway - are even better when forbidden.
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yeah damn straight they do. *pulls out biscuit and munches* god mmmm ahhh....no wait no i think i'll save this kind of noise for a different blathe. where are all the OTHER ADDICTS? glares round with crumbs on her sweater
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i was really impressed with the way you pulled out that biscuit and straight-up *munched*, iNsEcUrE_gOtH_gIrL. i'm gonna have to learn your stealthy maneuvering. by the way, i am gradually getting better at typing your name quickly. it's surprisingly challenging! and i've been around computers since i was a kid. it's sort of like practicing arpeggios on the piano. or shall i say, you being a goth and all, on the pipe organ. HEY! let's write gucci and try and trick them into making crumbed-mohair-sweaters the new look, yeah? those suckers will never see it coming! HA HA HA!
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hell yeah, gucci *so* should! it's not about the manouevering (sp?) of the biscuits, it's about keeping a subtle stash either in your bag or in your pockets, whichever (yes i ave done both). However one must be careful to not jostle said biscuits because otherwise they become..... crumby. i once had to pull a pocket inside out because the flapjack i had sneaked inside had died a horrible, mangled death and was reduced to...*sobs*...a p-p-pile of sticky OATS! i was so traumatised, as was my trusty 10 pack of tissues i was carrying for my dreadful cold. but anyway, enough of this anecdotery. i must say, i am most impressed, andru235, that you type out my name. I do appreciate it, as mostly i am ignored, insulted or downright MOCKED! (okay i am exaggerating but i'm a writer, it's all about hyperbole) unfortunately i must say that you haven't quite perfected the capitalisation.... iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl (that way none of the 'i's are capitalised because then they look like L's and people don't know what it says. more fools them.) just to make it more difficult to master, heh heh. much appreciated though. for that i must find out your favourite type of biscuit and try to sculpt it out of words, enough to provoke saliva production. (as you are not female, it will be more difficult, as when presented with images of food, women will apparently salivate even when full, as we are supposed to have a deep and emotional attachment to it.) so yes, your favourite type? damn it this blathe always makes me feel so goddamn hungry.
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oh sure, throw a mordent into the arpeggio, iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl, ☺ i really like flashing biscuits, but they are so rare that i have never even heard of one before. so i guess my favorite biscuit would be a good, wheaty, oregano biscuit with a dash of tarragon, shaped like a boomerang. not to be difficult, of course.
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where have my blather family gone ? things are so different now . good to read some familiar faces. goth-girl i missed ur biscuits *wink wink *
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was I a grandmother to someone at some point?
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this is clearly another manifestation of the incredible underground phenomenon known as blather's_biscuit_subculture. it makes me feel all warm inside. but then maybe that's the apple butter. ...
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ahhh i remember these times! REALLY weirdly, i have just finished baking a couple of batches of cookies. we're talking slight crunch on the outside, still quite gooey on the inside. white and milk choc chips and chopped mixed nuts. still warm from the oven. i just ate a plateful with a cup of tea. this is perfectly acceptable because i made some for a friend i have not met yet's leaving do. that's right, it's a strange genitive sentence but it is grammatically accurate. come join me with the oven fresh cookies. or if you prefer, i still have some cookie dough left, wrapped in clingfilm and chilled in the fridge.
what's it to you?