stork daddy perhaps my telling you that it's no huge inconvenience to highlight the words before i read them will only encourage you to find, if possible, more creative ways to hide or erase them.

that said i don't necessarily approve of what you're doing. i would certainly hold that the justifications you've offered for your actions contain inconsistencies.

first you contend that you're doing this to erase wasted words and blathes. the assumption you make is that the mess you leave in their wake is more appropriate, or less of an offense. in actuality the signal to noise ratio has just turned even more in favor of noise after you're through. you cut your nose to spite your face indeed when you punish waste, out of your distate for waste, with even more waste.

the other justification i've seen offered by you on other blathes is that you are simply expressing yourself, no different than anyone else on this site.

i would contend that certainly mutation of another's words or even erasure are acts of expression, but whether they are the types of expression this site was created for, or whether they are "no different" than what everyone else is doing is pretty arguable.

philisophical distinctions (if any could be made) between creation and destruction aside, the blathes of other people on this site, while often adding very little, certainly do not remove anything. At most they dilute the attention a single blathe against a sea of blue demands (no more so than the way each word within any one blathe itself spreads attention across more words), but certainly nothing in the original blathe is removed or literally buried. so the argument that the changes you create are similar to the changes created by those who blathe in the usual fashion is not a very strong one.

furthermore, while the addition of blathes (even those which metaphorically bury other blathes) is a function provided for by this site, it is not clear that what you are doing is a function this site intended to provide.

after all, the creators of this site supplied an interface that allowed expression based on language and the ability to type. this interface did not demand a knowledge of code of any sort, and so it can be assumed that the primary use of the site was to be limited to those functions that were provided for by the programmers.

this would also bring into question the various tests and multi-color blathes other blatherskites have dabbled in. the reason those strike most as non-offensive, however, is that the most clear intent we can read from those that created blather was not to create a site in which you could only type single word blathes, or blathes without html tags etc., but to create a receptacle for expression -open to all, interfered with by none, each word relating to all other words in a unique and informative way.

often we do not know we have a law until it is broken. perhaps this will be the case with what you are doing, but it is certainly up to those who created blather and not myself.

as for me, it offends me very little. you may be able to frustrate the pristine condition of my blathes, but you have not removed the source. i wish i had only eloquent or true things to say. unfortunately that is not the case. as the buddhist saying goes, i have burnt all of my notebooks, but how can i erase the verses in my stomach?

I personally enjoy blather.
Borges said, "there is no poet, however mediocre, who has not written the best line in literature, but also the most miserable ones." This is my feeling on blather.

Additionally i would argue that a site like this actually can serve as a dumping ground, or a practice arena and so lead to more carefully chosen words and expressions outside of blather. Having a communal diary like blather can increase ability with communication and words.

whatever my feeling on blather, it is clear that the ability to remove or corrupt blathes at your sole discretion was not a function expressly provided by the creators of blather and would seem to be a further waste of the very time you lament the waste of by the writings of others.
sarcasm sucks 041129
making the words the same color as the background and your
last point
is not lost
on me

i can live
with that
stork daddy apparently the other points were lost on you. 041129
stork daddy no sarcasm there. much like those who believe a loving god would send people to hell, you stretch my ability to forgive. 041129
fix 041129
smurfus rex well put, stork daddy 041129
what's it to you?
who go