notme distress 040601
mood ring clinginess 040601
no reason indecision 040601
LavenderTraces lack of words

i mean we've said it all haven't we

in sound and breath silence...

if only you could read my eyes
witchesrequiem birth. 040603
Skyfire Soul 040603
pete walls, they protect me through a level of pain 040603
Psycho murderous rampage 040603
silentbob inability to function. my bizarre attraction to you. my strange fascination with this ongoing emotion.
my disabilities.
my insecurities.
my fucking... weird desire to not stop talking about you. my ability to never have enough to say.
i need to get it out before its ok again.
shivers fear
i dont want you to go
kx21 Blather...



dosquatch Thank you, kx, a clear and rational question.

The answer is simple. What's_the_point, you've made quite clear, is that the war is wrong and that Bush and company are dangerous and possibly criminal for waging it. We get it. You make a point, people either agree or disagree, and you move on. Only you don't.

That brings us to when_is_enough_enough. That is hard to say, but I can tell you clearly when enough is too much - and you are well into those weeds. When you lambast and abuse your audience with your point so much that you alienate them and they begin to turn against you, your point becomes lost in the noise, and therefore becomes pointless.

Rein it in. Wrap it up. You've said your piece, over and over and over and over and over. We got it. We get it. Only now, you've beat us about the head with it so fucking much, we don't care anymore.

Move along, nothing to see here.
dosquatch pardon my rant. 040604
n_o_b_o_d_y Cares?
dosquatch Could you at least lighten up with the press clippings and give us your opinion in your own words? 040604
kx21 Given QQ Sent above...

My AQ Spice below:-

kx21 * Typo *

dosquatch, its M Correction:-

Given your QQ Scent above...

My AQ Spice below:-

dosquatch What about my QQ scent? Do I need a tic_tac?

No, really, what does that mean in standard English?
;) 123... 040604
kx21 i.e. Pardon my 123... 040604
dosquatch Ah, I see. Since current events are by definition current, and therefore not static, your point changes from day to day. I'll grant that in the details, but not in the bigger picture. If the bigger picture is you_hate_bush, and we accept that, then heaping yet another yet another yet another reason upon the pile of why_you_hate_bush serves no purpose. That is why_not. 040604
notme complaints 040604
xyz existence 040604
notme noise 040604
notme imposition 040604
uow outbursts 040911
sameolme Why do belches get pardoned while sneezes get blessed? The next time somebody belches, bless them, bless you.
When you burp, bless yourself,brrrrpppp!
Bless me!
deathofarose indescretions 040912
u24 sneezes get blessed because during the plague in london (c. 1665), one of the first symptoms was sneezing, hence, when one heard someone sneezing, you would offer a blessing, assumedly to immunise them from the plague. It didn't work.

What did work, however, was the great fire of london in 1666, which destroyed a large chunk of london, and with it, most of the plague. some beleive the fire was started by the government to have this effect, others laugh at the absurdity of that theory, given the level of knowledge about medicine in those days, plus the fact that the doctors thought the plague was carried in the air. When in fact, it was carried in infested rats eating the raw sewage that lined the streets.
u24 belches get pardoned because they are disgustingly rude. 050111
e_o_i habit of saying sorry too often.

I'm sorry.
unhinged baggage
it keeps trying to knock you off
your white horse
in a silent way glassy morning stare 130201
Death of a Rose seeing you in the morning,
breathing softly and muttering about robots.

what's it to you?
who go