Arwyn Blather's been very angry today. Trinity's been insulting daxle, daxle responded (rather well I must say) but god wanted her to be meaner. I've just watched this unfold today, and it saddens me that people need to be that mean. It's not so bad if it happens every now and then, cause people have bad days, and I for one am one of those who come here to vent after an exceedingly bad day. However, people like this Trinity, who are here to insult, bitch and hurt people just because it makes them feel better, should just leave. I don't hate him/her even if they've said some mean things about me, I pity them, because they think by tearing me and others apart, they are a better person. You're not Trinity. You're just an embittered person, and you don't bother me more than just making me feel sad for you. I wonder what's so bad in your life that you need to come here and try to hurt others. 020526
Trinity Arwyn,
you have no grasp on reality do you? jesus christ. drop the goody-goody act - no ones buying it. Plus this whole "i miss my boyfriend" bullshit is really pathetic. Seriously. The only reason why he stays is because you've got a whole for him to stick it in. Stupid cunt. No one feels pity for you. No one.
Arwyn you just proved my point... thank you.. 020527
DannyH Hmmm. An unholy trinity indeed. Strikes me we may be looking at three sides of the same coin.
A_question_for_everyone indeed...
DannyH question_for_everyone 020527
Arwyn yes danny, I know she took my name or I took hers or something... I used it a few times but thought i could do better/worse. I figure if I just ignore her, she'll go away... 020527
the Queen of Hearts Arwyn - you're doing a terrible job of ignoring Trinity, look, you've started a whole brand spanking new blathe about and to your proclaimed nemisis.

and Trinity dear, the word you are looking for is Hole, not Whole. Whole means complete, which is hardly insulting really. Hole, on the other hand, refers to an abcess, or in this instance, Arwyn's cunt, which is a little more insulting if less imaginative.
the cheer-up kid Now a blatherduel between Trinity and Queen_of_hearts. That I would like to see... 020527
kerry if it was the Queen of Spades... well, nevermind.

i don't like all these fightin' words!
reitoei hate is real, love is not 020527
god i think people ought to take out their frustrations in the form of blathes. i think it's a good thing. it's not real drama. it's just a release. 020527
pralines&cream I, for one, am totally buying Arwyn's "goody-goody act." I think she IS good. Everyone has their faults, everyone has their complaints ... maybe Arwyn comes here to complain about all the things going wrong in her life. Don't we all? So what? Does that make her a liar? Not at all. Arwyn, I've told you before that I think you're a truly good person. Coming from me, that may not mean much to you, but I would like you to know that. 020527
what's it to you?
who go