moonshine A kiss, A morbid Squelched desert twist
A Lover, a widow , a navy man's wife
Assaulted and worshipped,
Love in a maze. Theres no wrong turn when you have no where to go
Foreign passion
Shadow dance with flying barbies and wandering naked mutant
A lawyer, a frenchmen
A lie
photographed rape
You should see THE-RAPIST he says, or was it a she?
Rockstar in a sand storm
A bondage fort
A Broken neck, Stay off the MEZ tower you fucking acid heads
Faced down overdose, hows does it feel to be ran over by the devil himself?zzz
My ass was in range to be slapped by a ranger
Grilled cheeze sandwich in your crotch
threesomes on motorized couches
Naked twister, hurricane shots
Smile at the highway patrol when your topless
I was your trash queen for a three second prom king

You hit it, you eat it
splinken fuck.

that's it.

i'm going next year!
moonshine Oh yeah and if you want a good deal on your ticket buy it early february, whcih promises a good deal. 000907
splinken thanks for the tip, doll. 000908
typhoid hey, if enough go, maybe we could have a blather theme camp, eh?
:: words for word_junkies ::
splinken splendid idea! 000908
ever burning yeah, i keep wanting to do some type of word-based project, but attention spans on the playa are extremely short. some people had giant poetry magnets, and i think that's about as complex as it gets up there. everyone becomes fascinated-by-simple-shiny-things drones. but, yeah, i've thought of things like a collective novel, or some kind of foreign language camp. maybe a blather_on_paper camp would be cool, with like hundreds of little cross referenced baskets. then again, i could just consume chemicals and look at pretty things, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. 011203
linkage burning_man 090304
Ouroboros love_in_a_maze 090304
Caroline 452 we were halfway there and decided to get breakfast in bridgeport, and she was there with that guy (her boyfriend?). afterwards, before she came out, i asked him what her name was like i couldn't remember, fishing for a clue as to whether or not they were a couple, but he just said "her name is Sarah", but i knew that already.
a few days later we're having a conversation at the deep end and she holds my rapt attention despite all the music, dancing and hooping going on around us. how did she do that? apparently, i promised her a hoop, and then didn't give it to her. now neither of us have much of an interest in hooping. funny that.
Caroline 452 she told me "i'm here with my boyfriend" but i didn't see that guy around anywhere. hmmmm....
it really doesn't matter.
i'm enjoying this so much.
Ouroboros the_desert_you_and_me 090304
Ouroboros let's go back and never do it again. let's go back and never meet.
let's go back to that cafe in bridgeport, where you will never notice me and i will never notice you.
let's go back and never go back.
what's it to you?
who go