jennifer we close the show
I hope jer and ceeg are ok
jer's been online all night long
dave flys away to phoenix
and debi has to go home for the week
it looks like my life might pause until the new year
I think that's ok
maybe it will give me a chance to understand everything
I don't know, between the show and the plane, where the consolation will come in
maybe he forgot
I want to act like he did
and have him remind me
then I will know he wants it
not that I want to give it to him
oh, *sigh*
I don't know exactly what to do
this happens every time
we close the show
stupidpunkgirl christmas eve is my half birthday
i get more excited about that then christmas itself
and i don't care that it's my half birthday
i hate the holidays
commercialized until they have no meaning
when i go to work there are so many
customers who are mean and in a hurry
i go home and cry
even if i don't celebrate christmas most of the world does, so it still affects me
it will be over soon
so much anticipation for just one day
twiggie i used to spend every christmas eve with kelly. her parents would have a party for all of their friends. and it was the only time i enjoyed christmas for what it's suppost to be. it was so different from what i did when i was little. we'd always go to my grandparents house and do all of these traditional things and pray to something i've never really believed in and open piles of presents, usually things that no one needs. and it was just like a ritual, every year, the same thing. i don't even want any presents this year. i just want to have a lot of people over tonight and drink coffee and talk and listen to music and go sledding down my driveway and do stupid fun things. except that's not even going to happen. 001224
stupidpunkgirl coffee? your house or mine? but i'm bringing my music 001224
uh huh we dont give presents in my family. we usually go to church, then go out for dinner or sumthing.

i think thats cool.

none of my friends get it. all they want are their pressies.
bored blah bleh ugh ug 021224
jane i was toeing the presents this morning, to see how many my dad sent here with my brother, & is it immature of me to be a little angry that my brother evidently got more from my father? after all these years, he's still playing favorites 041224
missionary It's true that Christmas has become over- commercialized, and the meaning has been watered down over the years.

But it's also true that the world is what we make it.

Instead of complaining about Christmas and protesting by inaction and non-participation, I'm going to buck_the_system.

I wonder how much I can give this year without spending a single dollar. It truly is better to give than to recieve. Giving is the_ultimate_win_win_situation.

By giving without spending, it forces commercialism out and seals the true heart and spirit of Christmas in.

I'll start right now!

missionary Hooray! 041224
monee i haven't bought anything for anyone 041224
monee i haven't made anything either 041224
nighean_siofra and i still love you 041224
jamseesmaj nomme_de_plume

you made me an email (and a new name)

monee ;) 041224
Death of a Rose :)

smile widely my kinsmen and kinswomen,

because I shall smile for you all tonight.
what's it to you?
who go