pushpins Such strong convictions,

but...I don't want to hurt anyone...

but...I want to make a difference and to do that with these beleifs, I will have to change minds and hold still,

~and not change or bend for someone that disagrees.~

but...I want to be accepted... I don't.~

i can't remember.
Nosey What are you beliefs that you want people to listen to? 020102
birdmad my flaw?

where to start?

i've a long list of them
ClairE Laziness and a sharp tongue.

Also my strengths go in here too.
distorted tendencies i continue to dwell in his web. 020102
Toxic_Kisses When I'm scared or nervous I either become quite rude and act like I'm above every one else (Witch I know I'm not) or I try to burrow my self deep into a corner and hope no one notice me, I never speak unless spoken to. 020102
unhinged i believe everything you say and never look for malicious intent 020102
kerry only one flaw? why not "a list of my flaws because i'm a pathetic loser moping in the darkness of my own solitude"?
ah, maybe not. you probably already thought of that... this is more cheerful, eh?

so i'll pick one... hm... i'll say one of my flaws is that i am obsessive over stupid things.

so shoot me.
ClairE I've found my one big flaw.

Syrope so many...i guess my biggest flaw is that i am unable to turn people down. like More in A Man For All Seasons where the guy's like "you'd think he had something he wanted to keep, but one day someones gonna ask him for it and he's gonna give it to them" or that's a really bad paraphrase...anyway... 020302
josie is that i can't seem to feel content in any truth i choose. I hate myself and i love myself every moment everyday. Maybe it has something to do with the stars.. maybe i'm astronimically fucked-up. It seems the most comfortable length to be at is at arms... where i can pull you in or step away as i choose. I hate myself. I love myself. I hate myself. 020302
distorted tendencies I have obsessive compulsive disorder. 020302
pralines&cream Pointless and completely random periods of low self-esteem which take the form of anger which I unleash on my poor boyfriend. 020303
unhinged blind_emotion

and slowly i get rid of them
Tildan Photophobe 020416
Photophobe Tildan 020416
werewolf my flaw is that i'm too good at self criticism. I'm excellent at it, so good i'm delusional 020416
ilovepatsajak i push people away so that when they leave me i'll know that that's the reason they did. but i don't want them to leave.
and i analyze everything too much so it end ups hurting me but then i ignore my feelings.
ilovepatsajak ends up*.
and i'm jealous and antisocial
stork daddy i have is i'm arrogant...the other is that i'm almost too good looking 020425
Mahayana is this endless seemless
roll of twine with splinters
of bark, dirt, & chaos
& i want what i cant have
& i want what i cannot have
& i want what i cant have
in this endless seemless
roll of twine i call myself
lo i'm suspicious of everyone and no matter how long i know them it never goes away.
insecure, unable to adapt well to new places and situations, afraid to do anything alone, self concious, feel too responsible for everyones well being and happiness (my friends call me the mother of the group) and forget my own
i see way too many of my flaws already posted...thats so cool
CJ putting on an appearance whenever some one first meets me that isn't what i am truely like 020425
what's it to you?
who go