Nirvanic Blind a few days ago I was in class (not high school, a trade school)and everyone was really quiet. It was getting kinda depressing and I just wished I could do something great to cheer everyone up. The outcome turned out to be a dumb joke (there's only about 7 people in my class), but I think it kinda worked. It's weird, but I've been having this feeling alot lately. About a week ago I imagined making a 35 foot float of a huge, goofy happy, laughing face (like the smile now cry later faces, with a tinge of lunacy) with a huge middle finger sticking out. I imagined letting it lose to terrorize the city for New Year. The problem is that I don't know how to make a float, and even if I could get it done I'm sure I'd get in trouble for letting it lose in the city to flip everyone off. This was probably just more of a fantasy, but I've also tooken serious consideration into making some kind of letters or notes and leaving them around for people to find. I'm not sure what these letters would say but I'd like them to connect these people that found them in a way that will make them feel good. When I figure out what these letters should be about then I'll start. For the mean time, maybe I can come up with something for tomorrow. 031219
Death of a Rose keep doing it. 031219
mekeria god.

i just wish you were someone else.
u24 offers his full support to the random acts of randomness project, along with a heap of respect for considering doing it. go for it! 031231
PissyassedMouse how do you know what the objective would be? i think the idea i'm thinking that you're thinking is too big and i probably don't want to do it. However, I just enjoy la words of visdom in ve magic vingdom.

kerry loves jeff and cornell loves weiland
user24 you could leave messages in library books with a note and a website address on it, and the website could have no explanation whatsoever, but allow people to write comments on it.

that would be very interesting.
Nirvanic Blind The objective would be to make us who have no one or feel nothing feel like we actually are a part of something. It's a life jacket for the suicidal. I was at a small party a couple weeks ago and was playing a drinking game when one of the guys started talking about the cuts on his wrist. A girl jumped in and started showing us the cuts on her wrist. The first thought that crossed my mind was that she was sexy as hell. I didn't tell her this for fear of being thought of as some kind of freak. But I thought it was beautiful and I wanted to hold her and console her and soothe her pain. 040723
what's it to you?
who go