u24 well, answer spiffy, really, in relation to user24s_test_site2 (because that page really is screwed)

here's how I did the border:


spiffy major gasp.

i think i am dreaming. my very own ask page. oh the specialness. a page that i can call my own. a page where i can fight the boredom of sitting and staring off into space contemplating the antics of the evil dust bunnies. well... unless my unpopularness is proven to me by the ignoring of this page as it gets burried in piles of virtual dust. but one can always dream can't they...

i feel tingly.

thank you!

and i shall add that bit of knowledge to the code files in my brain and perhaps dig it out later for future use.

or maybe i will just make another test page now out of sheer boredom. ahh... but the bed calls. and i will answer. and dream dreams of having my very own page.
puredream What other tahn you, is worthy of the title "spiffy"? 040625
spiffy actually, i don't think i am worthy of the title "spiffy." which is one reason why i never capitalize it. (also because i am too lazy to do so.) spiffy is a great title indeed and i am not great at all. i am merely in love with the word and it has granted me permission to go by spiffy. this by no means indicates that i actually am spiffy.

that said, i would have to say that fuzzy things are rather spiffy. that, and llamas.
bryce Tell me about your space martian friend "jimmy"...i hear he's a real kidder? 040626
spiffy too cute...

how fun. i have reffered a new and confused blatherskite. my job is now done, and my life complete. it has all gone full circle.

one day, bryce, after coming here for years, months -- even days -- will somehow contribute to this blue maze of words by doing such a thing as reffering a new blatherskite, and will then know the true meaning of this profound moment. or perhaps this will be the only blather he will ever blathe (or is it blathe he will ever blather?) and will never return again. (and if so he will be dearly missed.) i'm guessing it'll be the latter. oh well, we will not worry ourselves about the uncertainty of his returning now.

now onto jimmy. yes, he was fun, but he's gone back to mars now. you see even though he was pretty funny, he had this thing about going around with people with two eyes. i guess among the three-eyed martians that is considered uncool. oh well. the fact that he was green did bother me a bit, so i guess we just weren't meant to be.

...and welcome to blather!
spiffy that was a stupid reply, i know. forgive me. i'm tired. 040626
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl will you be my friend spiffy?
i wuv your bwaves!
*beams winningly*
spiffy SURE!

*dances around in little happy circles*

the thought that anyone could like a single thing i type here is so totally shocking.

i feel so loved.
u24 you may like blathermaze_enterance 040628
u24 if only I speelled it correctly...

spiffy i did it!! 040628
spiffy i knew this would die very quickly. 040709
puredream when are you going to come visit me? 040711
spiffy when i am no longer trapped in this cage. 040711
do you really care? What the fuck are you doing? 040711
spiffy um... well, at the moment i am sitting. typing. thinking. waiting. dreaming. wishing. longing...

and melting. because it is so hot.

and i don't care if i used way too many periods and one word fragmented sentences.
what's it to you?
who go