epitome of incomprehensibility I emailed the historical linguistics prof again.

He hadn't replied to my email last week. In that, I wrote that since he'd asked about any problems needing accommodations, I had ADHD and wasn't great at organizing time. At the same time, I didn't think I'd need any extensions for the homework for this course since it wasn't essay-type stuff, but I did find it hard to keep up with the lectures for this course since it's in an online format without regular meetings, etc.

He didn't answer me, but a couple of days later wrote a general email to the class saying since people had asked him about deadlines, he had a policy where if you asked for an extension once no points were deducted, but if you did it twice, you'd get marks off.

It's not what I'd do as an educator, but whatever. I didn't care so much about that. It's the part he wrote about long extensions being unfair to other classmates who managed their time well enough not to need them.

I resented the implication that lack of time management skills makes you less adult/responsible/whatever.

But I was probably reading too much into it.

Anyway, I wrote him saying the phrase had made me a little anxious (angry too, but I didn't say that), admitted I was probably reading to much into things, but added, for the record, that my problems with time management weren't about me making half-assed efforts, to use vulgar English, as opposed to High Church English.

...That's not really a pun, is it? Just an attempted witticism. Vulgar and classical Latin, the former of which developed into the Romance languages - very funny. I'll probably be embarrassed at myself once I get more sleep.

But in general, I don't like that I let my emotions get in the way of getting stuff done.
e_o_i Oh yeah, and then I finally got to my point, which was "If you can give me any tips on time management for this course in particular, I'd appreciate it. If you think that's outside what you do, that's OK, just send me a quick email acknowledging that."

That part made sense.


A dipshit is a diphthong that has undergone the sound changes of lenition and mid-assedness.

But gah, he's teaching three courses. It's not like he has gobs of time to throw around either.
unhinged i have a friend who also falls in this category

chuckles are better than blame/shame
epitome of incomprehensibility Oh yeah, that situation.

A couple of weeks ago, I emailed him a third time in panic because a quiz timed out 2 minutes early. He wrote a lengthy message back the next day, annoyed at me seemingly using my ADHD as an excuse because he struggled with dyslexia, hadn't had the resources now available, and I wasn't the only one having trouble with the new pandemic reality of online classes. And I could have started the quiz earlier instead of leaving it to the last minute, and shouldn't I be registered with the office for students with disabilities?

I said sorry for annoying him, that I hadn't meant to use ADHD as an excuse, but it was silly of me to complain about a quiz worth only one mark. Then thanked him for the advice about the student office, saying I'd been registered at the place where I did my MA but hadn't considered transferring the registration before because I was only an independent part-time student.

The details are boring. But anyway, it seems we both misread each other. And he was pretty receptive to my and other students' concerns about the midterm, since he gave everyone a longer time frame.

(But more material. In linguistics, this is known as compensatory lengthening.)

Anyway, that's done, and I'm happy about it. Still have too much to do, but it seems deal-with-able at the moment.

Back to the title and unhinged's comment, yeah. Yeah. It's definitely possible to be both jokey and oversensitive (me). Too much "lah-dee-dah I am quirky and stuff" gets annoying too, so that needs to be toned down sometimes too.

...ADHD pixie dream girl? :P
what's it to you?
who go