no reason what do you mean by that?

i remember someone at school being relieved that someone was an actual hippie rather than a "yippie". i'm curious as to what makes a yippie a yippie...

a hippie poseur?
silentbob doesnt it have something to do with the death of ones hippiedom and then selling out to work a job and get money, hence becoming a yuppy? 030709
Norton Anthology of Porn yippie and yuppie are two different things

two decades apart
think jerry rubin vs the gang from thirty something
Norton Anthology of Porn check that
think jerry rubin in the sixties vs. jerry rubin in the eighties
encyclopedia birdmad and his useless trivia a lot of hippies from the 60's became yuppies in the 80's and thenceforth, stemming from the marketing term "Young Urban Professional" significant because when the phraise was coined they were the youngest and most powerful demographic in the professional business establishments

"yippies" were political followers of Abbie Hoffman
minnesota_chris wearing Birkenstocks, driving a minivan to take your kids to soccer practice. 030710
nomme i feel bad for the things i've called people.
but i hadn't to jump in on this.
i mostly hear this term locally from people's mouths in the following forms:
"friggin yippies giving us all a bad name"
"f'n yippies and their money raising the price of everything, who else can shop here?"
"it's all them yippies growing weed and selling it at such high prices cause they're greedy, the bastards"
"man, people we used to know in the 60's, almost all them sold-out, changed their ways back, and became yuppies. Now they're either becoming yippies or their kids are"
"what phonies,urghhh! as if THEY need welfare. how bout giving the money to those who truly need it?"
"who else do you think all dem yuppies and yippies voted for?

hmm not the best word but i hear it a lot in my town.
i hate calling people names.
no reason thanks for the clarification, everyone. 030710
the white lupin eat more lupins 030710
googling for the fun of it "...Some quick definitions: Yuppies are the folks who can't remember worrying about eating to stay alive. Hippies are those who have, recently, made some gut wrenching sacrifice to survive and feel politically motivated by their sense of the world's unfairness. Yippies are Yuppies who want to be Hippies.

Yippies are particularly distasteful to Hippies. They want all the perks of Hippie culture without any of the responsibilities. Cool hats, cheap gourmet Thai food, personalized bikes, long or raggedy hair, important sounding conversations in cafes, alternative music and independent films... Fucking Yippies. (When said, this must be immediately followed by a slight shaking of the fist.)

Hippies do all that but it stems from a sort of raw passion, a personal crusade to do right and save the world from all the evil they've ever seen. Now, granted, they might be incredibly wrong or go about things in a simple-minded way, but they damn well feel the injustice of the world around them. And they believe in their power to change it for the better.

...And they believe that quoting Noam Chomsky is somehow utterly crucial to the realization of Heaven on Earth. Yeah, I don’t understand that either. But they still have soul, man. Unlike the Fucking Yippies (shake fist).

Given the merged tastes of either party, you’d think their homes would be similar. Au Contraire. Hippies live in shacks. Yippies have real houses. The Hawthorne District would be entirely Yippie if it weren’t for the all the Hippies bumming it at their place.

Hippie flats come in three varieties. Some live at a partitioned off section of their old folks home. Some rent sparse apartments from friendly managers. But most clump together and buy/occupy an aging house on a neighborly block. Never underestimate the number of hippies it is possible to pack in a three-bedroom Victorian two-story.

Northeast Portland has a lot of Hippie flats.

Yippies live everywhere else that has a Natures or Wild Oats within half-an-SUV-tank of gas..."
- http://williamgillis.blogspot.com/2004_08_01_williamgillis_archive.html
August 31, 2004
.nom stereotypeness
.nom but interesting from the perspective of definition evolution 050127
xdale i don't remember what blathe of mine this was in reference to, but i think everyone else's answers have covered it more than amply 050128
egger yay blog entry! never seen or heard it so well expressed before. 050128
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