bijou my eyes hurt. 010624
startfires i think it should be called blather_brown

perhaps i should just adjust the settings on my monitor
Casey it looks red to me 010624
Black Cat Wednesday 'tis a strange brew, indeed. 010813
lost it is very undeveloped. 010814
lost i like the soothing blue of regular blather. i dont like red quite as much. 011116
Aimee agreed 011116
paste! it's all clammy in here 011117
TalviFatin How do you get there in the first place??? 011117
me blather_red 011117
pralines&cream blatherred? maybe blather_red. no ... i can't figure it out ... maybe there is no such place ... 011117
pralines&cream Wow, i found it. I actually got there. I about jumped out of my skin!! It's like finding a parallel universe, but such a smaller one ... red blather ... i feel like i just tessered ... 011118
SuicidalAngel What the hell are you talking about? My blather screen is blue, or have I totally just missed the point? I think I'll leave now.. 011118
pralines&cream suicidal angel, of course it's blue. Blather as most of us know it is blue. But there is a blather red. Imagine what it will be like when the red blatherers find blather blue ... 011119
lost the only people that have blathered at blather red have gotten their through blather blue im pretty sure so they already know about it. 011121
Sonya I found it and wandered into it for awhile. If that's what they call "red" then I must be color blind. It looks more like a really disgusting shade of rust if you ask me.

Although it's nice to know that there is a double dosage of blather when I need it. Blather blue seems to be more...comforting? There's just something about the blueness that encourages a mental serenity. I wonder if the creators of blather would consider making other colors. Why red? Why not green or purple or hmm silver? Weird. Red vs. blue reminds me of the gang disputes out in East Oakland.
guitar_freak I love red blather. It is smaller and more comforting, not so much bullshit and such. Most of the people on there are longtime blatherers. I don't know I just came here to read stuff i wrote a long time ago. It did creep me out at first though 011122
User24 I didn't like red at all at first, paranid delusions that was trying to replace blue because it had got too big.

Now I actually quite like it. There could be more people, though.
trippingdaisy i admit, blather red is much slower then blather blue. not as many people write there. it could be hours before someone adds a word.
but sometimes it's comforting when blue is overwhelming. so many people, so many thoughts.
i can never read through them all. even though i try.
celestias shadow blather_red always felt kind of claustrophobic to me.... 040202
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl it seems empty to me,
no people writing at the same time as you
its deserted
no real people
just words
i never "feel" there
not as much as here
time_warp just in this page alone, the difference is telling. people go over there, sniff about, and chatter like socialites at tea about how they disapprove of how different it is from their safe blue, about how quiet it is, how creepy, whereas in those realms, all still progresses, creatures continue nonplussed as tourists jaunt through and snap pictures.

so many people comparing the two, but each holds that up to this; none the other way? none simply taking a breath, clearing mind, and stepping into that realm?

if you will not approach with purity and open eyes, don't bother approaching. you won't see the magic dancing in its veins. if you expect people to appear behind teacups and gibbering lips, look in blue. if you know the scent of creatures unsighted, if you wish a corner in a quiet temple... do as you will.
stoic it takes a certain type of person to appreciate red.

once, it took a certain type of person to appreciate blue

lilmomma i finaly found my way to blather red and i have to say it was quite lonley over there. so iv came back to my old friend blue. =0) 040805
what's it to you?
who go