atrium i got in my car to leave school and the thought hit me again "I miss my mom".
why? i wondered, why does that that keep popping into my head lately where it never existed before?
then it occurred to me, a monotone voice that came from somewhere dark in my mind:
she's the only one who always loves you and is always there for you

and i cried
soulesswanderer that's not true. Mothers don't always love their children. Ask mine. 040331
unhinged anything i wrote here between about september '02 and this time last year

i'll_love_you_forever you stupid fuck
x i was speaking of my mother. i made no generalizations. so pretty much, fuck off. 040401
pete this day shines so bright,
the sun is full
and the sky is blue.
we pass the trees on the edge of the canal,
and cross the locks to the other side.
here among the articial nature
of the arbitarium
this is our darkest hour

words pass,
we hardly meet eachothers eyes
and the world,
to us,
halts and waits to see what happens
this is our darkest hour.

the sun touches its pinnacle,
and the snow is making
the world bright and white.
we know that we have come together
only to part alone
this is our darkest hour.

will you hug me once more?
can we follow the trails we once thought?
no. i didn't think so.
this is our darkest hour.

i leave, walk north,
following Dow's Lake around,
taking the long way home.
frozen tears stain my face,
this is our darkest hour.

you turn and cross the locks,
the way we came,
alone and apart
from each other now.
this is our darkest hour.
soulesswanderer if that fuck off was for me.. I'm sorry.. i was just saying.. 040402
x you were just saying that what i said, about my mother, was not true, because you were not paying attention. believe me, i get it. do you? 040402
soulesswanderer i wasn't saying that. I said not all mothers love their children. I'm sure your mother loves you.. just.. some don't. 040402
x "that's not true"
a direct quote
just admit that you were wrong and move on
soulesswanderer Another direct quote:
"she's the only one who always loves you and is always there for you"
If you just wanted that to be about yourself, you should have written, "she's the only one who always loves me and is always there for me."
However, you're the one that wrote "you" Meaning the person reading.
I'm not wrong here.
x uh actually no. i said that was the thought in my head. those are the words that went through my head. i was quoting what i said to myself. 040403
soulesswanderer but if you didnt mean it that way, then I suppose I apologize. But, you didn't have to get all pissy, you know. You could have just said thats not the way you ment it. you didn't have to tell me to fuck off. so, here's my formal apology. I'm sorry that i misinterpratated you're blathe, and sorrier that i commented on it. 040403
angry beaver chill out x
if you meant it to be just about you
then you could have said
you both interpreted the topic in your own way
there's no need to stress out
x i did say, actually.
and as i tell the kids "take care of your own problems"
unhinged actually it was september '01

it seems like so long ago, but so close at the same time. i was listening to tool on the bus this morning; that_reminds_me .

'if i'm the man then you're the man as well and you can point that fucking finger up your ass'
what's it to you?
who go