unhinged him 130405
n o m nothing 130406
raze an incredible gift from someone i love. 211225
kerry consumerism and the shame of feeling ungrateful 211226
raze a (very) early birthday present. 220724
tender_square being alive at the same time, like mayflies, like butterflies. 220725
kerry a bbc podcast episode about women in ukraine 220725
Bizzar also him 220725
insouciant Thing With Feathers 220726
raze kindness. 221003
Bizzar my_last_hope 221004
raze newsom. 221009
tender_square tendering my resignation. 221011
tender_square hearing the_cranberries "dreams" as i drove home along the waterfront.

("oh, my life is changing everyday
in every possible way
and oh, my dreams
it's never quite as it seems
'cause you're a dream to me
dream to me")
raze this new_york times op-doc:

raze a scene from "cheers", of all things.

(this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAr7jsr0qZQ)
tender_square being asked by an acquaintance how i was adjusting to being back in my hometown. 230311
tender_square seeing a selfie of my former sil showing off her growing pregnancy belly. 230317
e_o_i My mother 230318
kerry anger about having seizures two days in a row. makes me afraid to leave the house and i'm missing jen's spring equinox party. 230319
tender_square the three-part harmony soul singing of the lone bellow trio live at the ark. 230508
e_o_i Stress about the phone and not following the proper steps to wipe down and air out the shower stall (high mineral content in the water, so it will leave residue if you don't). And since Patricia (host "mother") heard me crying just after she'd told me off (gently), she came back and gave me a hug. Also told me, also gently, not to stress about little things, because how would I know what to do if she doesn't tell me?

We laughed about the language barrier. But she must think I'm goddamn oversensitive.
epitome of incomprehensibility Tangential observation - a lot of people who've been mother figures to me have made me cry:

-my mother

-the piano teacher who was more used to teaching preschoolers than a ten-year-old - she was almost too tender and that encouraged my soft side

-teachers, not least the Critical Theory professor who fought for me to get back into the MA program (thank you, Prof. S)

-and now Patricia.

...It's like I'm a baby and I want a mom, or I'm disappointed by a mom, or I'm afraid of disappointing a mom.

I think I need a chrysanthemum. It wouldn't expect much of me and *probably* wouldn't make me cry.
tender_square leaving grandma at the nursing home and comparing her to the other residents who have so much less life and vitality. she shouldn't be there, not now, not yet. 230511
raze joe cocker's broken voice at the end of "you are so beautiful". 230515
e_o_i Class again, perpetual confusion, my own snarkiness which I used the wrong_ass_word to describe. But alles okay, mostly. 230530
raze writing a youtube comment to a stranger. 230607
raze a queen song. (and not any of the songs you'd expect to do the job.) 230616
e_o_i Okay, three days ago, but TK. After I volunteered to help her with an important school document (turns out someone else did, but anyway), she made a point of saying how our friendship was valuable to her.

I am sappy. Like a tree. But that's okay sometimes!
tender_square leaving the intensive care unit and wondering if my sister will ever find her will to fight. 230618
tender_square singing mary j. blige’s “not gonna cry,” ironically. 230629
Soma therapy.
I was just a child, and she was just a shitty person doing her shitty best.
I wish you could have had something better in life, X, but I'm glad I'm here all the same.
tender_square a field of wildflowers in full bloom, remembering the ash and cinders they used to be. 230709
tender_square joni mitchell's hard-earned contralto reflecting "it's love's illusions i recall, i really don't know love at all." 230807
raze a cat named bruiser. 230914
tender_square them changes. 230914
Soma Looking at those rhodedendrons. 230914
raze a chatgpt story about squirrels from a friend that unexpectedly gets at the heart of what these furry little acrobats mean to me. 230929
e_o_i Jaqueline's sociolinguistics lecture today, which covered language death and then the development of creoles. Creoles are cool; how they came about is horrific. Mostly through slavery - people separated from those who spoke their language(s) and not taught the languages of their colonizers/enslavers.

The quote from Sankoff was dry and academic, but just picturing what went on... I mean, it's one of those things I almost feel bad crying about, because who am I to cry? What good does it do now?

But emotions don't have to make perfect sense; it's okay to cry, okay not to cry.
e_o_i (but her name is spelled Jacqueline, gah) 230929
raze don hertzfeldt's "simpsons" couch gag. 231006
Soma I was the highway at 4am, all mist and black asphalt as I drove back from the airport, when this fucking song came on. The song is nothing but a simple instrumental melody, partnered with a lilting voice that undulates in power as if rising up from the broken dark. In that moment it was all it took. I felt the grief wash over me, the rage that time had and would and will take so much from me unjustly, the loss for who I was, and the bitter tears of hope that it could and would and should all be so different. That I was no simple pawn, but a fragile soul alive in it all.

I cried, feeling like a spider seeing the beauty of its own web.
nr reading about israel. 231009
Soma Money. It almost always makes me cry. The feeling of futility. Of helplessness. Of shame. Of inadequacy. Of irresponsibility. It never matters how frugal I am or the care I put into planning. Needing to allow for the expense of life happening always brings me to tears. 231215
e_o_i 1. Decisions. Or my lack thereof.

(I'm feeling better now because I finally have an idea for a linguistics MA/MSc project and a few possibilities of where to apply, though my options are more limited because some deadlines are past. Also tempering my relief is the uncomfortable consciousness that new things are always hard for me. I still have a lot of work ahead.)

2. What I'm reading_lately (what_ARE_you_reading?): a few nostalgic tears leaked out while finishing Anne of the Island, which I hadn't gone through for years.

(L.M. Montgomery went with a bit of a sappy device in getting the main couple together, despite the fact that she poked fun at Anne's "romantic" and "tragic" teenage stories - but I'll be durned if it isn't well-paced and nicely worded.)
raze bela. a blathe i'd never read before.

(oh, belly_fire. blather misses your words.)
raze remembering friends who are no longer here. 240223
pony roadside_assistance, as that conversation unfolded in real time between an innocent question and an unspoken answer. 240223
raze longshanks. 240317
raze a kitten wearing oven mitts. 240417
raze snail_mail from a friend i didn't think i would hear from again. 240514
Soma A lie (though not an intentional one) said by a man going deaf. But he was probably never very good at listening to women even when he had all his hearing. 240813
Soma jealousy about something good happening to someone I love 240818
Soma Music 240820
Soma Dreading returning to the workplace tomorrow. 240821
Soma embarrassment 240823
e_o_i A movie I didn't expect to cry at, about a woman trekking across the Australian wilderness. The tears didn't spill over when the character's dog dies, accidentally poisoned, but they did when the character comes across another person and cries about her loss, seeking comfort.

If someone on a screen cries, I'm likely to cry too... I have vague memories of reading that this emotion-mirroring is a sign of empathy, but also skepticism that empathy by itself makes you a better person.

There's a book called Against Empathy that I picked up at Surrey Park's little_free_library (aka the book box) but I left it at home. I liked some of what I skimmed through so far, though the premise seems oversimplified for the sake of sounding surprising - the book equivalent of clickbait. Why would you be *against* empathy, even if you think it's overrated?

tl;dr - to me, empathy seems like a skill you can use for good, but by itself it's neutral. And I tend to cry if someone in a movie cries.
raze "charlotte's_web". 240826
Soma I. didn't. order. tomato. 240905
Soma furniture_from_IKEA 240906
Soma I woke up anxious and when I saw them standing there, clearly in pain, I just began to weep. 240910
Soma writing here and remembering something painful. 240917
Soma I laid down and was all alone. 241003
Soma looking too long at an old photograph. Only bitter sadness remained to be squeezed from the soft pulp of those happy moments trapped by the light. 241005
e_o_i breakup 241005
rubydee My community looks like it was annihilated by an atomic_bomb. The exhaustion of taking care of so many needs in a literal disaster zone. We have no running water, we were without power for seven days. Cell service and internet connections remain intermittent and only thanks to starlink.

Raze emailed me & when I finally stopped tonight and had a chance to read it I was overcome with tears again. I’ve missed you old heads. This place has always been in my heart.

Humanity continues to astound me everyday. The ingenuity and resilience we can exhibit in times of great need give me hope beyond measure. I am humbled to be back in your presence at such a vulnerable time in my life.

((I always posted on blue but I see red is an active community these days, so hello! ))
Soma too many choices
a surplus of options
infinite decisions
or maybe just

fear of making the wrong choice

(but even my quavering inaction is a choice)
Soma selling a game 241008
e_o_i (rubydee, hello! From what you wrote, it sounds like you were hit by one of the big storms going around. Stay safe and take care! And the same to everyone who sees this - hope you have a good night/day.) 241009
Soma delayed_grief 241107
Soma fear from remembering.
fear of forgetting.
shame from my choice.
Soma I woke up and found myself quietly crying, though I wasn’t upset at all. What discord reverberates through my body, while escaping my mind? 241115
Soma Having my morning routine interrupted. 241125
e_o_i Two things today, if you count past midnight last night as today. Both stories.

A Spindle Splintered by Alix E. Harrow, even though I found it cheesy in parts (see what_are_you_reading).

And this story about a dog and a squirrel - "Banana (& The White Squirrel of Crawford St.)" by Rahim Ladha. It starts off seeming simple and inconsequential, but the rhythm and repetition move it into something deeper and more meditative. The book above achieves this too, if only in some parts - hinting at a richer, wider world around the words.
e_o_i Let's link: banana_and_the_white_squirrel_of_crawford_st 241205
Soma The creeping fear of dying alone and unfound. 241207
raze a squirrel named pancake. 241222
e_o_i It was after midnight, so technically today. The frustration with a grant-writing class and the idea that I'm so far behind the other people taking it, the expectation to produce something for Saturday, the fear.

I only finished the CV with that artist_bio and other people have almost the full grant write-up already, plus some have their own websites and more experience with this sort of thing...

Anyway, I was crying last night, I didn't sleep enough and now I have a headache. Nothing truly terrible, but pah.

Maybe I'm also missing David. The breakup was in October, and I thought I was more over it than I am, but valentines_day is tomorrow and my mind is weird. The night before last, I had a dream that he was seeing a woman in England named Fiona, and I was upset with him because she seemed too much like me. That was what triggered my anger. My response (because I was somehow also in England) was to find her winter coat hanging on a hook, toss it off the hook, and then grab her hat and throw it at *her* with extreme prejudice.

Sometimes the humour of one's dream mind can be soothing, but also irritating when it prevents me from being properly tragic. How can I mourn either the break-up or my longer-ago history of angry outbursts if this is represented by me throwing a (mostly harmless) winter hat at an imagined rival...?

I don't know. I laugh. I cry. I eat sandwiches (proceeds to eat a sandwich).
nr it was technically yesterday for me too. it hurt when a friend got frustrated in conversation with something i do that bothers her, which i had never thought was a bad thing, but rather a normal thing we all do, her included. but it's hard to argue with her, and i don't want to. then i said something else to someone else that landed the wrong way. then i tried to talk to you about it but you didn't really know what to say, as usual, and i'd interrupted you watching hockey.

it was only the first than that drew a tear out, though. the rest just made me feel lonely. i think hurt makes me sad; loneliness makes me listless.
nr also, sending good wishes to you, e_o_i, and happy galentine's_day! 250213
what's it to you?
who go