Q Equinox means "equal night." It is essentially a negative, depressing term.

It should be changed to equimane, meaning "equal morning."
skyburst777 i don't find it negative and depressing. i love the word equinox. equinox. equinox. 050603
birdmad to malign the night is to have never lived in the desert 050603
Q While the proposition is surely false, it is true that I've lived in the desert and haven't ever maligned the night.

Here I haven't maligned anything.

Symbolically a glass becoming brighter is a glass half full and a glass becoming darker is a glass half empty.

At what are now called the equinoxes, I believe the world would be better off noting the glass as half full rather than half empty. So I'd like the word equimanes to replace equinox. That's all.
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