epitome of incomprehensibility It's hard when it's about all the arts. All the arts you do, anyway. And how do you put what you do in a paragraph and fine-tune the tone?

I get too casual. I want to be casual. I like the margins better.

something ethics and aesthetics

intersection of something

living with ADHD

We must organize. We are not organized.

Kirsten lives in the Tiot:ahke/Montreal area and can't spell the first word, though she vibes with the phonology. Syllable-initial voicing is rad.

An executive member of a local artisans guild, she loves the community of artists. Aims for the artistic community to thrive. Something like. She thrives on teaching, expression, community, and corny sentences.
e_o_i Defiant if unoriginal snark: "I'm not all over the place. I'm well-rounded."

Imagined snarky reply: "Yeah, I noticed you gained some weight lately."

(Except I haven't become noticeably rounder. Or round's opposite. Or its inverse, or retrograde, or inverse retrograde. (Thinking of twelve-tone rows and not the stars; the stars are too vague.))
English spelling of Mohawk name for Montreal is TiohtiĆ :ke 250207
raze the best one i ever came up with:

"i'm a guy. i have hair. i make noise."

comically pithy, perhaps. but it was true then, and it's still true now (even if the hair isn't quite what it once was and the sounds i make have changed).
Jus What is an "artisan's guild" and why doesn't Ontario have one?

eop I feel like we would be friends.
Jus EOI** my bad 250207
raze (i kind of like eop. it could be an acronym for "epitome of pliability".) 250208
e_o_i Finally finished this. Ugh, why does everything take so long? It's like five sentences.

Anyway! raze, I approve of the guy/hair/noise bio. You must have sent some of those conciseness vibes through the cosmos, because my first sentence is now a snappy list of verbs: "I write, craft, compose..." etc.

Also, hi Jus!!

Ha, it sounds much grander than it is. I mean the Dorval Artisans Guild. More info in artisans_guild.

I wish I were more flexible, literally and metaphorically.
what's it to you?
who go