epitome of incomprehensibility Discussed in artist_bio; it sounds grand(er than it is). I mean, doesn't "artisans' guild" evoke medieval blacksmiths forging intricately worked breastplates, greaves, and perhaps a proto-socialist union...? But in Dorval, it's just a fancy name for the local craft club.

People pay $15 a year ($20 if you live out of town) to get a discount on craft workshops and be eligible for a table in

a) a small craft fair in August &
b) a bigger craft fair in November.

That's pretty much it. Well, there are some social events - mostly BBQs or potlucks in the community centre.

But it's fun to be in small things like that sometimes. The people are (mostly) great. I've been a member for 11 (!) years, and I might be elected VP of the organizing committee in April - up from Web Director. All volunteer, of course.
Jus Sounds very cool! 11 years, wow! Thanks :) 250208
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