raze your name is dumortierite quartz.

i have a piece of amethyst somewhere, a part of my childhood i've carried with me through every house i've lived in, forgotten but not lost. it's nothing like you. you're a thick, heavy cylinder. the darkest, deepest blue. smooth as polished glass, except for your face. your two faces. each one a latticework of stalactites in miniature. each one a world i can hold in my hands.

i can stare into your soul. can you see into mine?
unhinged i carry a pouch of crystals made out of a repurposed sari in my purse. all good energy is welcome.

fungi, especially mushroom forming fungi, digest their food on the outside of their roots/bodies enzymatically and then absorb it. they literally break down rocks into smaller component minerals and then trade with the trees they partner with, minerals for sugar.
what's it to you?
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