emmi what do you mean you love her hair?

you never told ME you love my hair.

"i told you i love you."

so what? you see, in my opinion, when you love someone you love ONLY that person. you don't go around loving bits of other women. because if you do, where do you draw the line? can i say to your guy friends, "i love your eyes"? when you are out with me, do you look at girls and think "i love her legs?"
. i agree. 041120
magicforest Just because he loves aspects of another doesn't mean he loves you less, or loves her more. We seem to have this idea that based on our sexual orientation and whether we are single or taken that we must deny or ignore the beauty in others. I'm a straight girl, so I can't admire another girl's breasts? If I'm taken, should I pretend that no one else is attractive? Is that what love is? The line is only drawn when someone doesn't like it done in front of them. Well, everyone has insecurities, but not everyone minds their significant other orally recognizing someone else's beauty. Some do, that's okay, but the point is that some do not.

no reason i also disagree.
it's just hair.
hair is pretty, and it's often easy to admire the way it falls or glistens or is cut or dyed, almost like art. hair isn't even a part of the body. now if he ever says he loves another girl's legs, or ass, for example, this would be much more of a problem.
no reason in response to magicforest, i agree that we should be able to recognize and vocalize others' beauty, but we should know where to draw the line. such as a guy telling his girlfriend how much he likes another girl's breasts, for example. 041120
briar people say they love my hair. I however hate it. I hate being labeled a "morange". stupid orange hair.

and by the way i agree with the last person
emmi when i'm with my boyfriend, i might see good-looking guys. but it would never occur to me to point this out.
sure, i'm not saying there are no beautiful people in the world if you're already taken. maybe i just have this naive idea that when i'm with someone, he should see me as the most beautiful, just like i see him.
emmi by the way, he did say things like that... the sort that no_reason and magicforest considered to be crossing the line. only, usually not to my face.

at times like this i remember, and i'm so glad he's gone.
superleni i love my hair.

it's red and curly.
Lemon_Soda Take it or leave, if you ask me.

When in relationships, I would often admire men and women with the person I was "with". It was fun for both of us to discuss things like that. Both of us would appreciate a guy(or girl) walking down the street and I'd say "He's cute. Nice pants, too." and they would say "Yeah. His hair is nice.'" or "Eh, looks like a prude." or "Yeah, I'd fuck'um." and once in awhile one of them would just look away and I wouldn't appreciate anyone when I was around them anymore. I couldn't condone my partners behvior by rewarding it with attention, and I couldn't give my attention to anyone else for fear of offending my partner. In those cases I concluded that the situation made me miserable and misery is not attractive. It wasn't really me that had the problem, it was them, and so I'd brake it off.

Or should I stay with someone who makes me misrable by pretending I'm not me?
Lemon_Soda ....OH, and just checking on something...

Emmi, was it your honost reaction to think "So what?" to someone telling you they love you?
emmi "so what" is my reaction when i don't believe it. and i clearly didn't believe him.

and now... i can be pretty sure he never did love me. to me, the above is only one of million things i could've taken as a "hint".
it was tough because i really, really wanted to believe him.
what's it to you?
who go