ever wonder about the souls you spent your childhood with? the people who truly helped to shape you into the person reading this? ever stop to ponder where they are now, and how they are doing for themselves? or maybe few of you are lucky and still have contact with them. i'm not so lucky. it's been years. and i have heard they are all addicted to heroin. :( what ever becomes of innocence?
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one kid I babysitted ended up dying in a shotgun fight with the cops. That was interesting to read in the paper.
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it's weird: out of all the people i ever went to school with in the past, i only kept in touch with two. they're a boy and a girl and my only real friends. funny thing is, i know i'll be doing things with the female pal and marrying the male pal and spending the rest of my life with him.
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girl pals don't vanish once you get married. Ideally.
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Nancy, my first "real" girl friend. That was 36 years ago. I'm on the opposite coast now, and she lives a block away. Some people stay. She was to me the"older woman"(16)and was like "playing with fire" according to my Mom. I still like playing with fire. Jimmy was my age,(10?), showed me that out in the woods we were free. I have no idea what happened to him. He may have saved me by living recklessly free.
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instead of studying, i put on the pajamas that make me feel like a little girl and made a list of things i'm going to do for myself as soon as i get out of my tests tomorrow...i have an hour free before book club and one after. then all night. i'm determined to be happy friday, if it kills me. it's not every day i turn 20. he doesn't know i know he's going to go see her. i'm just looking forward to the ocean. that always makes me feel better. makes the salt water coming from my face feel not so out of place. i hadn't given my birthday much thought til mom asked what i wanted over spring break. now i'm left thinking about the parties when i was young - never being able to invite who i wanted, never being able to do what i wanted...just who she'd allow and what she'd planned god, i have to start studying
what's it to you?