unhinged i never want to be in love again


and somehow, loving and being loved is so much more satisfying
Aimee you're welcome? 020810
eklektic thanks alot mr.trecaso. this week my work schedule was monday:4-closing, tuesday:12-4, thursday:8-closing, friday:12-5, and saturday:12-5. i've been meaning to call you and ask you to spend the night again, because the Highland Theater was playing "The Importance of Being Earnest" on friday and saturday night. plus, after the show, they were showing a stanley kubrick classic - "Full Metal Jacket" - for free. and saturday was such a nice night. but i'm sure you enjoyed it without me. with jon. nice job kate. i hope to be the first to hear when he asks you to homecoming. :) 020810
smartass To bad a lot is two words. 020810
hatfish cunt hair: baller try "too," smart ass. 020810
Boymansonbowie Thanks a lot for letting me down. Now I know that I can't trust anyone. 020811
jane it's all in your mind, she said, the darkness and the light, the clock, it bleeds for you, but you never got the time in right
i woke you up and i slit the throat of your confidence, and we laughed in the night, and i felt all right

all hands on deck boys 'cause this ship was made to sink. your swabber salutes you now, but i know what he's thinking.
i woke you up and i slit the throat of your confidence, and we laughed in the night, and i felt all right.

thanks a lot
the clothes she wears mis-fit, and she's nervous when she speaks
her zombie mom and dad live in a separate house of freaks
i woke you up and i slit the throat of your confidence, and we left in the night and it felt alright

i'm the one for you, 'cause I know all the dirty things you like to do
i'm the fear in your eyes, i'm the fire in your flies, i'm the sound that's buzzing around your head

thanks a lot

-- third_eye_blind
Boymansonbowie Another beautiful song by Thirdeyeblind. That has so much meaning. 020827
jane their music is amazing 020828
critic their lyrics are horrible, it seems

"i'm the fire in your flies"?? c'mon now.

i've never listened to them, and as we all know it takes music and vocals to make lyrics sound better so i probably shouldn't say anything more without hearing the end result
the anti-critic yeah probably 020905
endless desire i'd have to disagree a LOT with critic. and while, that's certainly not one of my favourite songs of theirs, in my opinion, third_eye_blind has some of the most amazing lyrics i have ever heard, and i relate to them so much. if you want to hear some freaking good music go to motorcyle_driveby. mmm beautiful. though, i will give you that you have never head the song before. when i read the lyrics, i also sang it in my mind. 030621
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