little wonder I used to wish that I could just talk to my mom.
Everytime I look at her now I want to slap her.
How could she do this to me?
I found out my parents were seperating hours before they told me because I looked in her email. I had to hold in the tears and act as if everything was under control.
About a week later I found out it was a divorce by looking through her email again.
I wish I could've learned from all of that, because I would be beyond upset if someone looked through my email.
But I didn't.
Instead I looked again this morning.
She's been lying about where she goes at night.
She can't just skip one night of seeing her new goddamn boyfriend and spend time with us?
Didn't she fucking get pissed off because my dad went to a party a night he had us?
At least he didn't fucking lie about that.
And it wasn't even a goddamn weekend.
I went driving for almost 2 hours last night.
I had to get out of this house. I didn't know where to go. I had no one to turn to, no where to stay.
I wish she could just wait, maybe until this is all final, maybe until everyone is a little more used to the whole situation.
But instead she jumped into things the first week after.
I pulled out the scissors today.
It's been two years.
Advice Id Take I'm sorry to hear about your situation- it's gotta sting!!! Don't inflict more misery on yourself. I guess I can understand where you're coming from- at least you can control that sort of pain but years later and hundreds of scars and screams to show, where will you be? You'll have recovered from nothing and created more misery. There is good in everything- not meaning everything is good. Don't get that confused. Good can come out of everything if only you don't shut out the chance to find it. Hard as it seems, embrace this- and down the road maybe you'll have learned something from all the suffering. It's hard. Hang in there. 020407
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dafremen "I had to get out of this house. I didn't know where to go. I had no one to turn to, no where to stay."

Hopefully, you've realized that mom and dad were still there, (more or less, for better or worse) and that although you weren't one of the lucky kids who got to enjoy the one-piece nuclear family parent-pack, a two-piece is still infinitely superior to experiencing that feeling from cradle to grave as you enjoy the sweet silence of a no-piece.

It's easy to count our curses when we don't recognize our blessings.

For the record, building a family from scratch, without a fallback position is a bitch.
what's it to you?
who go