Doar coming soon to the nearest walmart,

it's the new and improved christ.

Strideo too much christ? then try our new and improved antichrist, also coming soon.
stork daddy boycott allah 040416
Doar collect them all,

for a limited time, purchase one, get two free.
birdmad Brought to you by Mel Gibson

buy now and you can get your free 2" pewter nail pendants (a $US 16.99 value)

the first twelve callers also get their very own genuine acacia Crown of Thorns (a $US 34.99 value) just like the kind placed on the Saviour's head

(When i hear Jim Caviezel talk about how eerily appropriate it is that his initials are JC too, i want to slap the shit out of him, because if you translate his given names into the two most common languages of the region where Jesus was from, the Hebrew to English version comes out as YbM and the Arabic version as IbM - Y'shua ben Miriam / Isa bin Maryam - but since being struck by lightning wasn't enough of a hint for the guy, i guess it shouldn't surprise me)
grendel god_collection 040416
birdmad 040416
Doar Oh my Jesus, that was fantastic. Thanks Scratched Birdmad 040416
Doar oops "Scratched Grendel".

same shit different pile.
oh shit. only $19.95! call now ans you'll also receive the blood and body of christ! holy shit! call 1-800-11JESUS NOW!!!! 040416
Strideo all new! Jesus in a Can! just point at a heathen and spray!
unhinged after scherezade (sp) we went out to get drunk. i don't remember how it came up but he asked me about catholic_guilt. why us catholics were always talking about it, what it was. he was lutheran. he didn't understand. and i looked at him and said that catholic_guilt was the belief that no matter what you do you are going to hell. so you go to church every sunday and put money in the collection plate trying to buy your way into heaven. he shook his head and told me i was belligerent or some such thing and i drained my maragrita (sp) glass. but when we were leaving, he hugged me.

when my grandpa was dying, my sister was sitting by his bedside and he looked at her and told her not to pray for him because he was going to hell anyways. he didn't go to church and put money in the collection plate every sunday; catholic_guilt . couldn't get one goddamn priest to come to the funeral home for a funeral service because my grandpa was cremated, didn't want a funeral mass in a church, and had stopped going to church years before. fuck catholic_guilt. what about the omnipotent god? you know the one that sees and knows all things? god knows when i have impure thoughts, take his name in vain, steal from my fellow man, pray for my lost love ones, whether or not i go to church to light a candle and put an offering in the locked box in front of all the pillars in red glass. you think you can tithe my soul when you are just as fallible as me?

i can buy christ with my good intentions and my love. when i light my inner light of loving kindness and compassion, he's there. that's his currency. the clanking of coins on the plate ringing hollow, i stare at the effigy above the altar and am empty. the echo of my footsteps bouncing of the bowl of a clear blue sky with the cool breath of spring winds on my cheeks fills me with love. look under the stone in the dark corner of your heart and he is there. always.
what's it to you?
who go