Effingham Fish "No good, I've know too many Spaniards." 011130
silentbob Good night Westley, good work, sleep well, I'm most likely to kill you
in the morning.
whoknows i think im the only one who doesnt love that movie.
maybe id love it had i seen it when i was 4...
ClairE It is great. 011130
silentbob No, i know some other people who don't like it, and i don't understand why. they're just holding back 011201
whoknows yeah. but i really think i would have loved it as a kid. its prolly a lot like the labyrinth. i saw that when i was really little and i still love it, but people who see it for the first time when theyre older just think its stupid. 011201
silentbob not everybody 011202
whoknows no not everyone. i agree with you. some people just dont like movie like that. 011202
nemo im am so completely and utterly obsessed with this movie... ive named my friends after it

n8 = prince humperdink
ryan = buttercup
john = westley
adidas = piarate roberts (said in a french accent)

i make my g/ma call them by their names because she loves the movie too
Continuous Light Farmboy, will you fetch that pitcher for me?
As you wish.
blown cherry Aaaaasss yooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuu
silentbob nonsense! you're only saying that because no one ever has 020222
misstree life is pain, highness. anyone whotells you otherwise is selling something.

the book was hellagood, too.
bethany montoya prepare to die I can't afford to make exceptions. I mean once word leaks out that a pirate has gone soft then people being to disobey you and it's nothing but, work, work, work all the time

you mock my pain

life is pain highness anyone who says differently is selling something
captain b. obvious WOOOOOOPPPS! 020222
lost silentbob that movie is kool. although it is kinda cheesy 020222
User24 pyrates was a funny movie. 030629
Radhi "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Is there really a better line in film history. Well probably, but this is my favorite! 040131
endless desire yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 040131
ambermoon i love that movie its one of my favs. 040202
minnesota_chris We are men of action, lies do not become us. 040203

"Truly, you have a dizzying intellect." 050116
smurfus rex "There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. 'Twould be a pity to damage yours."

I want someone to try this for a pickup line. hehehe
jane sleep well, and dream of large women. 050117
Vizzini Ha-ha, you fool! You fell victim to one of the classic
blunders, the most famous of which is "Never get involved in
a land war in Asia," but only slightly less well known is this:
"Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!"
dreamer Prince H: Surrender!
Dread PR: You wish to surreder to me? Very well, I accept.
globalfruitbat "why are you smiling?"
"Beucase I know something you don't know."
"I am not left handed!"
triplesix "You're the Dread Pirate Roberts, admit it."
"With pride. What can I do for you?"
"You can die slowly, cut into a thousand pieces."
"Tsk, tsk. That's hardly complementary Highness. Why loose your venom on me?"
"You killed my love."
"It's possible. I kill a lot of people."
what's it to you?
who go