Casey I love clicking on a blathe and then reading down to see that I have already done it. Then I read what I wrote and it almost shocks me in a way that I said it. Does this happen to anyone else? 020221
cube True enough. My blathes of the past were full of excitement and hope at the discovery of this brave_new_world. They're embarassing now that reality and cynicism have reclaimed the exuberance of old...
Arywn Agreed, my old blathes seem almost shameful now... 020221
unhinged i try not to look too hard because blather has turned into a gigantic hall of mirrors 020221
Syrope is scary, yet it keeps me intact 020623
Dafremen I read everything that I've written and enjoy them thoroughly each and every time. Damn is it entertaining! What the hell are you silly people waiting for? If it's this much fun with just ME yacking, imagine how much fun it is when we're yacking back and forth!

Enjoy...enjoy...enjoy the show.
Life is good and worth every penny.
freakizh i actually have saved my best blathes on my pc.

it's not that i'm egocentric.. it's just that sometimes i have blathed so much, so coherently (to me) and so creative at that moment of randomness that is worth to keep it. it's like writing new short stories unconciously.

wee wee.
my past blathes are distributed here:
and here: http://blather.newdream.net/cgi-bin/blather?who;name=freakizh;email=freakizh%40yahoo%2Ecom
. . 040912
u24 i hate most of my old blathes. they are not a true representation of my self. 040913
estarocks is 2 months older and wiser now my old blathes make me gag. although sometimes my new blathes make me gag 2, so what's_the_point? 040913
Moon "Finger" to the

her royal highness the quirk reminds me of the extremes of my emotions. i read about my very lowest points when i was beyond reach. i read about my highest points when i was happy yet had no one to share my joy with. even my happy blather moments are cold and lonely. 040914
meta meta 060502
megan plentiful 060503
misstree i can see the different landscapes i have traversed... reconnect with dead selves... wallow in past pains...

i think i wrote things for a reason in teh first place, usually... be it as simple as alleviating boredom or as visceral as a primal_scream bursting forth unbidden, each blathe had its reason for being born...

i went looking the other day to somewhere around a year ago... there were tough times... i was hoping to find an anniversary date for something... a way of knowing when exactly, so i could raise a toast to it being a year buried... but it is lost in the seas... i wish i could say it's for the best, but the uncertainty keeps a reminder present where a marker would be something i could walk away from...

that's what a lot of old_blathes are... markers... headstones... photos of things, moments in bubbles, passed but preserved... i'm glad i keep my memories encased in blue...
falling_alone it hurts i can't remember what memory provoked such random thoughts 060504
? Blather_Search_engine 060505
meta meta 060515
misstree this has already been meta'd.
look before you tag.
common courtesy, much like
posting song lyrice twice on the same page.
if you can't be bothered to do it right,
don't do it.
what's it to you?
who go