sameolme religions referred to as a group are the
_________ religions? I want to understand how they grew to be such a powerful force in our world. I want to exorcise the jealous , vengeful god from world affairs. I want these evil theologies to leave people alone. I know that there are many good, decent and loving people involved with these cults, but that doesn't change the fact that these religions are an evil force in the world. I also realize that there is no chance that people will wake up some morning and say to themselves: "What was I thinking? Jealous, vengeful gods don't need worship, they need therapy." I don't want to make fun of this god or his followers. I just want the madness to stop, and it isn't going to stop, is it?
Death of a Rose let the buddhists take over.

karmic payback wouldn't you say?

is in full agreement with 'sameoleme'
sameolme thanks, I needed that. 040323
Death of a Rose your quite welcome 040323
Moron "you are" 040323
sameolme they are collectively known as the
Abrahamic religions.
pipedream Hellenistic religions. and calling anyone's religion a 'cult' and an 'evil force' is rather ignorant of you, sameolme. yes, extremism is wrong and religion should never ever be used to impinge on another's rights, but religion is also the source of solace and peace for millions of people, not to mention a common link for people of different religions. an example...muslims and christians both believe in jesus as a prophet of God (don't quite know about the jews)...fasting in Ramzan came from the jewish concept of fasting...christians have lent which is kinda like the spirit behind it really not as stifling and dogmatic and one'd think. 040324
nom love_you_all 040325
sameolme Thanks for the useful reference to Hellenistic, Pipedream. I kind of expected somebody to get pissed off
about what I wrote, I don't intend to
offend people, but its almost impossible for me to be honest about how I see things, and be tactful at the same time. The world is in serious trouble, and I think if you read the Old Testament, which is the common foundation of the Abrahamic religions,
you will be confronted with a god who describes himself as a "jealous god",
who "tests" Abrahams faith by ordering him to sacrifice his son, who incinerates Arons son for performing a ceremony incorrectly. A long and horrifying list of atrocities is documented in the Bible, for all to witness. Then Jesus Christ came
along and was a complete departure, he emphasised love and forgiveness, and I think would have eventually renounced his old man if he hadn't been murdered. But he was executed and nobody has had the balls to stand up to that fucked up old myth of a god since. We are at the mercy of ideologues who have sprung forth from the sad heritage of a god who is obsessed with the subjugation or destruction of all people. Yes, there are many fine Christians, fine Jews, fine Muslims, and they don't deserve to be offended, but I am deeply offended by what their combined religions are doing to the world. I usually don't talk about this, because I don't see how it can help, end rant
pipedream im not pissed off in the least, everyone's got full right to an opinion :) and umm...i don't want to sound like a religion snob, but the Old Testament (and the new one) have been distorted and amended dozens of times by people to make it sound like what they wanted it to sound like, so one really can't count it as the word of God as such. which is why there are so many glaring discrepancies in the text, like the jealous God thing (which *could* be explained in context, but i see what you mean), and the list of hell's horrors...what you're saying is pretty much what bertrand russell says in his most excellent essay, 'why i am not a christian' (do read), and he makes perfect sense. the Quran has been like that since revelation; not a comma has been allowed to change. that's probably largely due to the fact that Allah's promised to keep an eye on it Himself, but to a very great extent i have not *not* found answers to things i think are at odds within the text, and that's a huge part of faith i guess, getting some answers you can't argue with. lol.
religion itself is peachy fine, but what people do with it is where the real trouble lies.
what's it to you?
who go