birdmad (now with THREE black cats) little black cat with a loose approximation of a white diamond blaze on her chest

she's got a little head with enormous anime eyes, big wide set ears, whip tail

skinny, was hostile and unsocial at first, but is now the perfect lap-cat (is a bit clingy in fact...so it's funny that i seem to have turned her from a fuzzy little hate machine into a total baby)

a few more days to manage the whole "protective isolation of new kitty" routine
unhinged you make me want a fuzzy

black cats need some lovin too
birdmad hmmm, dilemmas...

all of tonya and shadow's favorite spots to curl up and nap are also spooky's favorite spots after only two days of being freed from the bathroom

to this end, tonya has a scratch on her nose and spooky has one behind her right ear and shadow has taken to her familiar hiding spot between my right speaker tower and the TV cabinet...not so much from fear of spooky or tonya but because she has no taste for the drama, where tonya and spooky will sit on either side of the baby-gate in very close proximity to each other, lying on the floor with their heads on their paws and growl softly at each other in what may well be the laziest display of hostility in the entire universe
unhinged eventually the new_world_order will be established 080708
birdmad it will either be the result of or the cause of the_kittypocalypse 080708
bird all purrs the second i scoop her up off the floor

apropos of nothing else
birdmad and the exploding kitty jeebus, apparently before i brought her in, she got herself knocked the hell up again, the hoover-like vacuuming of food and the now disproportionately round belly are a dead giveaway (I thought i had brought her in while she was just going back into heat after weaning away her first litter, but i noticed when i caught her that night that she was no longer yowling, which can only mean that Iceberg, the big stray Flame-point Siamese who prowls the complex and the trailer park next door serviced her before i could secure the little beast) 080710
grendel Thirteen pounds of adorable pushover. Damn near cannonballed her way through the window a couple of days ago in pursuit of that_bird_over_there

Currently retreated in kitchen after a scuffle with Tonya

birdmad Now_give_me_back_my_hand 121202
birdmad Seven kilos of fuzzy, high velocity love...and stray hair

And bitemarks
birdmad ...and MORE hair

(seriously, for being a shorthair, it's like she's a walking portal to a dimension filled with infinite cat hair)
birdmad Sixteen pounds of aggressive affection ("pet me now or I will bite you" "pet me THERE or I will bite you some more" "harder motherfucker")

And an endless supply of grey undercoat

13 years old and still kicking
birdmad I_had_a_cat_named_spooky

what's it to you?
who go