Ptolemy DCLVIII Hello. I do not support the current administration's foreign policy (nor domestic) and will be voting for regime change in five days. While I hope my fellow Americans will vote similarly, it is beyond my control. However, I want to apologize on behalf of the misguided, unenlightened policies of an administration elected via the disenfranchisement of Afro-Floridians. Please realize that some of us Americans ARE aware of our messy policies and seek to change them. Thank you for your patience. Please bear with us. 061102
u24 i know. 061102
misstree seconded. our country sometimes rides the short bus, but we're working on it. 061102
jackie "the decider" mc cracken If the bus that Chimpy and Co are riding was any shorter it could be measured in the same two-digit number of microns as their collective IQ 061102
misstree they didn't rig the election quite well enough, and the empire has been outed. with any luck, we now bring you slightly less evil. your continued patience is still appreciated, as we may have changed vehicles, but its still a short bus. 061109
birdmad it is nice that come january, both houses of our legislative body will no longer be controlled by a cabal of quasi-fascist theocratic dipshits who live in a perpetual twilight of panic over the notion that al Qaeda might unleash hordes of exploding gay mexicans over our borders to take away our guns and teach evolution to our embryos unless we abandon the Constitution in favor of the Old Testament 061109
P the D I'm not a big fan of "lol", Birdmad, but for you I shall make an exception. Your delightful diatribe caused me to "lol". 061109
BuShit the usa is actually a full-sized bus that somehow got in a freak accident and ended up with the "short_bus" bus_driver having hijacked the vehicle.

"is our children learning"
-from stupid_bush_quotes
stork daddy but if it weren't for george bush, you would have never been able to express such humorous rage birdmad. 061109
epitome of incomprehensibility I'm quite ill-informed, I know, but American politics tend to confuse me. What exactly is the point of these midterm elections? 061110
e_o_i is Canadian, by the way 061110
not a bush fan The stolen election is a myth.

"After all the media recounts of 2001 showed that George W. Bush would still have won under any fair standard, Democratic activists have narrowed their charges to the purported disfranchisement of black voters. The Civil Rights Commission, led by Democrat Mary Frances Berry-with only two Republican commissioners at the time-issued a scathing majority report in 2001 alleging "widespread voter disenfranchisement" and accusing Katherine Harris and Jeb Bush of "failing to fulfill their duties in a manner that would prevent this disenfranchisement."

"But when it comes to actual evidence of racial bias, the report draws inferences that are not supported by any data and ignores facts that challenge its conclusions. Since we have a secret ballot in America, we do not know the race of the 180,000 voters (2.9 percent of the total number of ballots cast in Florida) whose ballots had no valid vote for president. Machine error cannot be the cause of discrimination, since the machine doesn't know the race of the voter either, and in any case accounts for about one error in 250,000 votes cast. (And, as some have asked, is it not racist in the first place to assume that those who spoil ballots are necessarily minority voters?)"

"The Commission simply assumed that the invalid ballots were those of minorities. That somehow blacks and other minorities were shut out of voting based on the evidence that 180,000 ballots had no valid vote for president. That somehow those counting the ballots knew the voters were black."

"Other charges from Democratic activists turned out to be 'falsehoods and exaggerations.' For instance, when the commission investigated the charge that a police traffic checkpoint near a polling place had intimidated black voters, it turned out that the checkpoint operated for ninety minutes at a location two miles from the poll and not even on the same road. And of the sixteen people given citations, twelve were white."

"The Florida attorney general Bob Butterworth-a Democrat-testified that of the 2,600 complaints he received on Election Day, only three were about racial discrimination."

How is it that the "short bus" dummies that run the current administration could run a conspiracy so sophisticated that they could steal a national election and yet they couldn't cover up a few scandals here and there within thier party that were reported quite prominently and frequently throughout the media? After all if they could mastermind a stolen election how could they stuble on such simple pitfalls? If there were any real evidence of a stolen election the media would have had a field day.
what's it to you?
who go