The Morning Star All right, who wants a piece of me? 001219
silentbob Why are there so many wonderful girls out there and only one of me, and why does it work out that NONE OF THEM WANT ME? 001219
The Morning Star Dear Bob-o-rama,

That happens cause of this bet God and I had. I bet him he couldn't make Man, and he bet me I couldn't make Man miserable. Fast forward a few millenia and there you have it. Of course, I had to trick God into making woman. But after that, it's been prettty smooth. Later homeskillet.

The Big L
silentbob you fucking rock my whole world

Do you write poetry? i'd always wondered what kind of poetry the morning star writes
The Morning Star Bob-o-rino,

Poetry, eh? Hmm. How's about I whip out one free-style real quick-like?

The Sheep

The sheep that talk are my idea.
Don't tell them fools the truth.
Lets walk away from over here.
They're trying to act like sleuths.
They search around for all the answers
But they can't even find their noses.
They'll search until they catch the plague.
I'll still put thorns on roses.

Well, that should totally keep you busy for a while. Don't psycho-analyze me too hard, I have no soul. Peace out jigga man.

The Big L
satansatansatan hey sibling,

what's up?

having fun?
god hey lucy, did i leave my beck cd over there? 001220
The Morning Star Satan-makin-copies,

I told you not to speak to me in public. How am I gonna become the Brightest of them all again if you demons keep talking to me. Call me later, we've got business to talk about.


Which Beck CD? Mellow Gold or Odelay?

Peace out,

The Big L
silentbob L-Man

Were you that kid who sat behind me in the second grade? the one who would always talk to me at the pencil sharpener? i'd always be sharpening my pencil and there you'd be saying my name all funny-like
was that you?
god mellow gold, dude 001220
The Morning Star Bob-a-tron,

I sat behind EVERYONE in the second grade. Master of pulled hair and bubble gum I was!

The Deity Currently Known as God,

I'll bring over your Beck CD next time I come up for the movie fest. We're still making it a Kevin Smith marathon, right?

The Big L
silentbob L

can i come to the kevin smith marathon?
WIll we watch 'Vulgar' and 'Drawing Flies?'
god cool. i've never seen those. i've just seen clerks, mallrats, chasing amy and dogma. 001222
The Morning Star Bob Backwards,

Sorry, only the dead or celestial are invited. It's been the rule ever since Enoch ascended. I can't make that call. Ask the Big G.

The Big L
god bob can sit by jesus in one of those big purple velvet chairs 001223
silentbob awesome

Sorry, L, i have a question for the Big G

Hey man, whats up
sorry we didnt talk before
hey, i asked for your help on " animals "

can ya help a brutha out?
god o.k. 001224
god shoot 011202
paste! now there's a sign of gracious patience. qualifies for the best pause since archbishop small intestine told the carnival superintendent:

"what have you done with my customizable panty turtle?!?!?!"
Ryakoth *comes in riding a goat dressed in his robe and wizard hat*

Would anyone like a spot of Tea here?
what's it to you?
who go