and i was crouched down in a shop the other day putting out fliers for the next play and whenever i bend over the star i have tattooed above my arse sticks out of my pants, and this tall thin hippy boy taps me on the shoulder and with a hopeful smile says "are you a practising witch?"

i dont need practise darling

he then started rambling at me about wicca and the moon and spells and how lovely it is and much fun witchcraft is and i stood there with a smile pasted on my face - i was there in offical mode and therefore not allowed to be rude - thinking well, you're obviously a practising moron.

then he said - witches greeting! and put his hand up
and i put my out thinking - ok, we're shaking hands now and then i can escape, i can handle that,
and instead he clasped it and put it to his heart and stood there with closed eyes and this beautific smile and i stood and thought - i should nick his wallet while he's not looking.

then he fluffed 'blessed be' at me, and floofed out the door.

and the otter and i fell apart laughing.

i spot me a boy new to the game.

no, i'm not a practising witch, althought i have been set on fire, does that count?

witches greeting? what do you think this is, a club where everyone gets the same showbag and instruction manuel on paying the membership fee?

and you do know that a star is not just a witches symbol, don't you. nor is it jsut a wicca or pagan symbol. most of the religions in the world use or have used a star as their sign. jews have a star, christianity had a star before they got hip to the cross, satanism uses it too, just to name three. it's also terribly useful as a ritual tool in a huge bunch of magical paths and it symbolises, amongst many other things, a person, head, two arms and two legs. it could be any number of fricken religions, or indeed it might jsut be that i like stars, or just find the shape pleasing. maybe it just amuses me to have a symbol that one can connect with a bunch of major religions tattooed above my arse.

you fucking moron.

not only do i weap for the future, i weap for the fucking present.

hmmm. ranty sab.
birdmad if you see him again, tell him it's where you tape your shuriken to throw at the foreheads of people who ask stupid questions 040218
smurfus rex where's the wet part, and were there t-shirts involved?

:P weep 040219
misstree he's got waterfalls behind the ears.

everybody's gotta start somewhere.
(not that you have to deal with them until they get somewhere interesting, but in the meantime, it helps to just grin and shake your head. though i do like the shiruken idea.)
ambermoon ME IN THE RAIN----- Blessed Be. 040219
sab ahh misstree, i do know that everyone has to start somewhere, i so understand that.

hell, i had to start somewhere, and some of the places i started are terribly high on the cringe factor scale.

which is one of the reasons i didn't spank him down then and there. i figure that either he'll figure it out and get some clues, which will make my world a better place, or get bored of it and find something else.

either way, that doesnt stop me wanting to smack as many heads as i can find some days.

what's it to you?
who go