deb The phone began to ring in Michelle's room, but nobody answered. "Three... four... five... Oh, come on Michelle! Where are you? Seven... Augh! Forget it! Just forget it!" Abbie flung the cordless hone across the room so it landed on her bed.
She began to wander around her room, straightening things while mumbling about her friend. Her mumbling turned into talking and her talking into yelling over Bush in her cd player.
There was a soft knock on the door, but Abbie, who was undressing her bed for the second time that week, didn't hear it. The door opened and in peeked a familiar face. Shelly grinned and said, "Hey Abbie!" just as a pillow hit the unsuspecting target.
"Omigaw-i-am-so-sorry!" Abbie blurted as her hand flew to her lips in surprise. Michelle's face was frozen in shock. She simply stared at Abbie for a long minute, then a twisted smile spread across her face and she lashed out and snatched up the solitary pillow upon the floor. Abbie wore a knowing look and she searched unsuccessfully for the second pillow that usually adorned her bed. Before she could beg Michelle to just put it down, the pillow and its stretched case swung up toward Abbie's frozen stare, then met its mark.
Abbie ducked before the pillow had time to do a second pass and she maneuvered around her friend's pale chicken legs and grabbed her other pillow. "Ah-hah!" Abbie grinned as she prepared for battle, but just as she gained her balance, Michelle's pillow-oh-whorl of terror knocked her over again. The two girls fought it out until both were laughing so hard they couldn't even stand up any longer, then they collapsed on the floor and laughed until they cried.
"I swear, Michelle, I didn't know you were there," Abbie explained in two long breaths as the laugher slowly died.
"Uh huh. Sure. As if I'm supposed to believe someone who just pegged me with a flying pillow!" She laughed and shook her head.
"Well, you know I still love you..." Abbie tried feebly to keep a straight face. The two girls looked each other in the eye, both holding their breath so they wouldn't laugh, and they erupted again, simultaneously.
Michelle was lying on her back, holding her stomach because she was laughing so hard it hurt, and Abbie sat laughing at her. Michelle looked up for a moment, and Abbie placed her forefinger on her lips and shushed her, then began to laugh once again. The scene went on for another five minutes or so. Finally, they sat, not looking at each other, but staring at the walls, and they were quiet once again.
Michelle inched her fingers across the carpet towards the pillow that had started the fight, and just as the tips of he fingers touched it, Abbie realized what she was doing. In a giant swoosh the second pillow crashed down on Michelle's stunned head. Abbie pounced on the first pillow while struggling with Michele for possession of the second. After a short struggle, Abbie looked at Michelle and asked, "Truce?" Michelle nodded vigorously and both released the pillow.
Chris J. what is here between these two? is it simply a playfulness that may lead to intimacy? 010521
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