little bug
all here in my head
ashes vicious do you? interesting. 030429
the Queen of Hearts Congratualtions ashes vicious! That is the most mindless post i have read on blather for weeks.

Did you think long and hard to find those words? Did you strain your tiny brain trying desperatly to find something to contrubute? And that was the best you could do?

Tell me, do you have conversations in real life with real people? Conversations that last longer than you saying something and people walking away after a long silence I mean.

Bet you don't. I can see your rounded shoulders slump as you watch their rapidly disapearing backs. You try so hard, I can tell, and yet, time and time again you fail so miserably.

Maybe, instead of just opening your mouth and letting the one thing in your brain at the time fall out of that cavernous dark hole, maybe you should just wait until you have something worthy to say. And a little tip for you for free - if you're not sure if it's worthy, it's proabably not. So whenever you go to open you're mouth, just remember this one hint:

cube Perhaps they are the thousand facets of your personality - all gauging your thoughts and actions. Or perhaps they be the self doubts you have accumulated over the years.

Worse yet is the possibility that they are the bodiless demons who strive ceaselessly to taint our every action to their will.
Rotten77 well queen, i'm glad u r so insightful, but I wasn't aware that the point of this site was to impress other blatherers with intellectual prowess. mayb it exists so that people can have a place to say whatever the fuck they feel like, profound or not. 030430
p2 very inefficient...

you should have 1 listener
acting as a daemon
spawning off children threads
as needed

don't mind the geek humor
*silent screams but I can't seem to find my voice. 030430
ashes vicious whoah...i'm sorry you don't find me as 'deep' as yourself queen of hearts. well i feel sad for you that you are so full of hate that you feel like you have to rip on people because what they say isn't up to your 'standards'. or maybe you are just a fucking asshole. well i really don't give a shit what you say because i don't even know you. and thank god for that because i already know enough pricks. 030430
a Spork on Shit-Rake patrol it's all QoH ever does, actually, best to ignore her 030430
joda This place is like a thousand bitter voices, screaming for power in an empty room.

It's like being at work.

Oh wait, I am...

Subedei Cunts knock me sick. I like women to be clean and pure, Native Daughters of the Golden West. I like women in spotless white dresses on sunlit spring days, fragrant and demure. Sex is horrific, it smites the ideal. The cunt is a slavering mouth of horror, the abasement of Love. The sacrament of Love is defiled by sex, by the sulphurous pit of the smelly cunt. Cunts should be banned, in my humble opinion. 040322
what's it to you?
who go