ClairE Does grammar turn YOU on, baby? 011127
nocturnal I saw this title, and it made me so happy, I got a little choked up. beautiful, absolutely beautiful I tell you. 011127
ClairE ::grin::

nah....! yeay!

with whom would i like to have sex?

sting. sting. sting.
whoknows the cute guy down the hall. damn! best thing ive seen him wear is a towel wrapped tightly around his waste. nice back... very nice. nice ass too. and the way he stands.. oh so sexy.
and lets not forget the hair. he has great hair.
ClairE He must go to MY school, too!


::girlish squeal of delight::
ClairE I did. 011221
ClairE You. "Obviously." 020102
impatient virgin A cute intelligent musician.

That's a specific as I'm gonna get.

Now's not the time to get picky.
student My high school government teacher. She's 28, and looks like Courtney Cox with reddish brown hair and slightly more subtle features. And cute little freckles on her nose and cheeks. mm hmm. I'd let her teach me some things. 020102
babybat *drool*
christian slater
no reason maynard 020123
jimc any 20 to 30 yo interested in 40yo 030505
lo the boy i sat next to on the bus on my way to spring break destination. dear god! what i would would do...sigh...too bad he's gone. 030505
x the devil, if he still wants me in the back of his car 030505
Viola any 30 to 50 year old who wants a 19 year old. :) 030505
Rotten77 Johnny! Back in the day, that is... 030505
joda There's something about the way he hands out crayons, and pours beer, biting his bottom lip, looking at me sideways and smiling shyly to himself when I catch him.

Since you're not my waiter, I can't leave you a tip, but I WILL leave you my number. Oh yeah... Call me.
the devil (looking for a car) only if you promise not to hit me with the NO PARKING sign again 030505
x no S&M, eh? 030506
the devil well, that's a whole other story, now. 030506
16b 16 030506
jimc 19's good for me Viola 030507
niska uh...

yeah, i have gathered from observation that it is mostly teenage girls and old dudes here in blatherworld.

though there are a few exceptions, i'm a little creeped out by you jimc. i mean no offesnse. pretend i said nothing.
stork daddy you mean the jim c who wants to give high school girls everywhere that special graduation present, not this jim c right? 030507
jimc i think she means the jimc who is being a total smartelic and not being serious at all. 030509
Dafremen Nevermind them. Teenagers and young adults tend to be fixated on the sexual aspects of any relationship. They'll grow out of it. Well, some of them will.

You have to look beyond the veil people. Just ask a Libran.
megan i'm smiling
eyes twinkle
ItGirl InvaderTim 030709
karl the weed halle berry, totally 030709
the nights child my boyfriend,
but I don't think he wants me anymore
tortuous i don't want to fuck anyone... make love and/or have sex with? thats a different story all together... 030820
celestias shadow that guy i saw in chatham. mmmmm.... 030830
spookybean Pretty. (that's who) 031002
nomatter Barry Zito 031002
seventeen paste!

has 7 more weeks 'til she see's him.
daxle hmm...
(counts chances on fingers)
what's it to you?
who go