Strideo i don't want to see you
i'm not coming over
i won't talk to you

i don't want to be your prisoner anymore
beorn i love you
i miss you
i can't wait to kiss you
You Not Silly Anymore Bumpkin German girl? 040506
unhinged i remember when he used to say things like that to me:

'i wish i could be kissing you right now'

iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl i think i would like a girlfriend.
it would solve once and for all the question of my sexuality.
love & hate to insercure goth girl:

having a girlfriend is fantastic while it lasts. I speak from several experiences. They are everything you dream of or could wish for. Unfortunately, just like dating guys, your heart can be broken just as easily. If not more so, so i have discovered. It is more than a wonderful experience, it is something you cherish your entire life.

My girlfriend, i still classify her as that due to wishful thinking, left me because one night when i was drunk i kissed some guy who i did not know and dont remember doing. It hurts, it rips your heart out and throws it on the floor for you to see it barely beating. I love my girlfriend and should get over her but i cant, not yet anyway.
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl love & hate

i can only imagine what you are going through
hope the pain lessens soon.
love & hate Insecure Goth Girl:

Thats the thing. When you have a relationship like mine, the pain doesnt lessen it just gets worse as it eats you from inside. But over time i will just go numb to it, that is when i'll be able to exist again. But i suggest you do try it, you might not get as attatched as i do to my girlfriends.
Seba you are 700 miles away
miss you everyday
always close in thought
will marry one day
minnesota_chris you like to eat clay
you often bray
your skin is gray
you're dating Jay
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl love & hate

i get too emotionally attached to people anyway
i think i'll just end up learning heartbreak the long way, no matter what i do, so i will embrace it and welcome a change from the deadness inside.
thankyou for your words.
love & hate insecure goth girl

You are very welcome. I wish the best for you and hope you dont endure the heartbreak which i have tasted.
unhinged yeah, girlfriends hurt more than boyfriends because you hope even harder that they won't hurt at all, the_remedy to all the stupid boys in the world. unfortunately, i think stupidity is a HUMAN condition. 040513
beorn its over its done. sorry everyone 041231
beorn ya'll should check the date on this shit.
it ain't over, it won't end. just keeps going. i love it and hate it
what's it to you?
who go