ethereal I love you.
and you.
and you.
and you.
and you.
and yes, even you.
hsgatincamail love is key 040408
Strideo obviously_i_love_you
Zsiga love is the only thing worth living for. 040408
misstree not only does it depend on how you define Love
(and i define it differently than most),
i think you're wrong. you forget
Play and Passion and Ecstasy.
if you think these are derivatives,
you haven't chased them far enough into themselves.
ItGirl This is me here not speaking. This is me here having fun. This is me here on my own...

This is me loving you.

When the wind blows through your hair like my fingers, and the sign on our road seems too bright, when life is funny remember...

This is me loving you.

This is me telling stories. This is me posing nude. This is me doing anything...

This is me loving you.

When there's an arm aruond your shoulder, when there's a warmth that floods over you, when you know it is allright remember...

This is me loving you.

This is me in the car. This is me calling home. This is me out to dinner.

This is me loving you.

When you remember your laughter. When you're out having fun. When everything is silliness remember...

this is me loving you
Syrope and this is you ignoring me

you're abusing your position of privelege
i won't let this go on but for so long
girlwithaname peace_and_love 040409
Borealis I don't know why anymore
suppose I don't need a reason
I love who you were
I love who you could be

your thoughts, your voice, your touch
this is me walking away now

god...oh god..oh god..
Syrope i walk away but only with my eyes closed

when i open them again i realize i was only fantasizing that i had the strength

it's not fair that i woke up holding his hand instead of yours
misstree i crave your arms so much
the blanket is a poor substitute for your skin.
pete with my heart and mind open, experiencin gyour smiles as my own. this is me, this is you, and here between, this bridge is love. 040410
ofsuch can you accept that? 040430
kookaburra and it aint pretty...
but obsession never is...
magicforest I sigh with confused words and confused emotions and confused thoughts 040430
stork daddy you want my x-box? 040430
unhinged for_frank


x you can't offer it to someone else!` 040430
stork daddy i was offering it to you 040430
Freak You're going to find me back here. Back at blather.
You just knew it didn't you?
You just knew.

So tell me...
where do we go from here?
this is me loving you
while you're out loving someone else

this is me loving you
while you're making excuses

this is me loving you
while you shatter my dreams like glass

this is me loving you
while you're busy forgetting me tonight

this is me crying for you
while you're out loving someone else

this is me crying for you
while you're getting drunk

this is me crying for you
while you ruin everything

this is me crying for you
while you crush all the memories

this is me


i love you...

is that so wrong?
Borealis 040409...
nope. this is me STILL loving you.
sirflaccid When we try to figure out where to go it is a habit to start back at the beginning. You knew I would find you here. Of course I knew its our dynamic. 041216
dandy love has me rattled
it's the skeleton key that fits
old locks to abandonned temples
of thought and bodies rotted,
the key is for cover art of mysteries
that look better in print
than in life
I'm not distraught
confused, locked out
knock, bang, pound
weep not knowing what else to do
sagged in a heap at your door
let me in for chrissake
don't you remember how great
we once were? I'm back
where are you?
unhinged lovestruck love_letter 100713
unhinged i'm stingy with my love now 200221
what's it to you?
who go