ever dumbening friend, as i watch you wither into old age, as alzheimers rots the tool you once used to hammer us with, i pause and give thanks

now hurry up and retire, so you don't make a bloody fool of yourself

(aside) what is that awful smell?

d'oh indeed
SuicidalAngel I really dont know what that has to do with the Simpsons, but the Simpson's Rock!! Remember that song "Do The Bart Man"?? 011118
silentbob it tastes like gramma!

Hey, ralphie, you're right! it does taste like gramma! we'll take em all!
ever dumbening SA, i was simply referring (albeit cryptically) to the fact that the simpsons is getting old--not quite as sharp as it used to be, and that i hope they end the series before it deteriorates much further. it's still great, but the ratio of good episodes to bad is ever waning.

glayvin, blhey

oh, and just in case anyone was wondering the "dumbening" is from Lisa's journal

mr sparkle
Casey Alright, I'll use the money to bail you out.

Hurry moe, at three o'clock their taking me to the exercise yard. THE EXERCISE YARD!!!
Annie111 I feel I must commit some random acts of quotation. Some people will understand.

"Mr Simpson, the tar fumes are making me dizzy!"

"Yeah, they'll do that"


"Do you hold a grudge against Montgomery Burns?"
"Alright, alright, I did. But I didn't shoot him!"
"He checks out. OK, Moe, you're free to go."
"Good, because I got a hot date tonight-"
"Dinner with friends-"
"Dinner alone-"
"Alright, alright, I'm going to stay at home and ogle the ladies in the Victoria's Secret Catalogue-"
"....Sears Catalogue"
"I don't deserve this shabby treatment!"
ClairE I love Ralph. 011127
ClairE Annie111: see DORK 011128
silentbob miss hoover! i glued my head to my shoulder. 020110
Teenage Jesus "Ironic, isn't it Smithers. This anonymous clan of slack-jawed troglodytes has cost me the election, yet, if I were to have them killed, I would be the one to go to jail!" 020110
yummyC (mr.burns after a toy rocket flies in the window and into his pocket):"smithers, I've got a rocket in my pocket"

mr.smithers: "you don't have to tell ME, sir."
Tim? "Oh your powers of deduction are exceptional. I simply can't allow you to waste them here when there are so many crimes going unsolved at this very moment. Go! Go!.. for the good of the city!" 020110
angie good fuckin show... 020110
bwahaha I got a board with a nail in it!

Fear me!
JdAwG The Simpsons are dead. They have been for quite some time. The show was outstanding at one time. So many levels of funny. But it's slowly degenerated into one level of funny. Sure, it's still decent, but no better than any of the other crap on the ol' boob tube. It's all just pies and celebrities...

"Yay, sleep! That's where I'm a viking!"
Narf I liked Futurama better. Too bad they cancled it 040510
kookaburra its still on cartoon network.
check your local listings...
unless you dont have cable in which case...
hmmmm, i was gonna say something funny, but hey.
futurama and simpsons...good shows them.
what's it to you?
who go