andrea the secrets the lie deep in his
eyes cut through my skin my
sanctity my compassion & leave
me speechless & utterly unable
to do a damn thing I see we’ve
lived almost parallel lives
that are now intersecting
intertwining combining into one

copyright 2000
sabbie i know your words
i know your feelings
i know about your life
i know about her death
i know so much about you
all i need now
i to see your face
to make it all complete
ClairE Can never get the eyes right.

One time my sci_fi algebra_helping cataloguer dad told me to sit on the sofa and whipped out a pencil and sketched me on the back on an envelope.

I looked like my mom. And me.

He brushed it away with explanations of architecural drawing classes.

It was a love_letter to me.
Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge
her name was
Char Coal
luxurious resonance
that eventually
rubbed off
and we were
we were

[oh how i miss char's coal]
man with a sketchpad i drew her face and it was the best representation of a woman's face i had ever drawn, and then it went missing and i am bothered by that 011219
paste! i am the leg 011219
ilovepatsajak my heart going boom boom boom 011219
pat sajak niy !! splork oon... 030510
oon horp god vator scahu, plorn hatbasket pok? 030510
Dafremen Looking at the first three blathes on this page, I ask myself:

"Is THIS what the 'blather_purists' were bitching about having lost?"

Three verses about boy-girl relationships. The loss is overwhelming, I must say.

(Not that the verse wasn't good, it's the monotony of the subject that I find ridiculous beyond words.)
minnesota_chris myopia, tunnel vision even. It's good your world is broader Daf, but that's a gift that not everyone has received from life. 030510
*silent screams ..thats already embedded in your soul... 030510
Dafremen I was pretty drunk last night. I remembered typing this, but it didn't have that sarcastic edge on it. Must've been the back pain talking through the brandy. 030510
megan i can never get the eyes quite right
they always look so dead
rage eyes of the clearest blue, fall into the sound of angels, carrying me away

and beneath, the secrets and the pain.
no one else knows because no one else looks deeper

you can hide everything except those sky blue water deep stormy confused mysteryfilled eyes
unbridled an essence of existence 041108
a "point" Face_and_Border 041108
jane i'm afraid to sketch anyone i know. i'd rather make someone up, and meet them later. 070624
what's it to you?
who go