andru235 once more, i find myself the target of spam accusation, along with [...]. it's sort of silly on my part to respond to such petty allegations; but then, it's hard to resist a chance to point out evidence that we are, collectively, still in 1500 b.c. i am reminded of the_angry_man, whose anger from other things spills out at easy-but-unjustified targets.

of all the injustices in this world, i really doubt that the blathing style of myself and a few others is the source of your ire. and if it is, what a charmed life you must lead.

"hiding behind the dot," as it were, inspires little confidence in one's conviction. one suspects that the cloaked assailant secretly enjoys the "spam"!!!

one wonders, do they really anticipate a change in our behaviours? obviously, i know what spam is, and do not consider myself to be doing so. i refer the accusatory parties to serverspacewaste_i and serverspacewaste_ii, or, per that blathe's suggestion, the title screen of blather (click upper right hand blueness).

if you want a regulated discussion, complete with rules and arbitration, visit any of the myriad discussion groups elsewhere on the net. don't idioticly expect the few unregulated internet forums (call it what you will) to be free from chaotic behaviour; per the lack of such forums elsewhere, the chaotic will inevitably cluster into the few places they are welcome.

the defense of free speech is not had by protection of ordinary pleasantries or in safe cliches approved of by all; freedom of speech is protected only by the defense of the disruptive extremes, in all their unpleasantness. defend the latter and you defend the former. assault the latter and they both come under threat.

blah blah blah; all this has already been said. but then, that should sufficiently illustrate the futility of whining about blatherskite spamming; it just generates more redundant discussions. karma, of a sort.
oren blather is words. bunches of words, strewn about in a twisty tangly web of pontification, insight and nonsensical delight.
but really it's an experiment to see what shape this will take when left at your mercy.


I daresay, I'm as much a part of this experiment as every other person who has ever blathed.

The widdle dot of mystery and sir brackets are helping to shape it, and so am I!

We're one big family whether we like it or not!
andru235 you make a good point that i'd overlooked; i ought not reproach the chastizer-in-a-dot. zeal is my friend, but it can be a pushy friend. zeal has gotten me into as much trouble as it has saved me from.

zeal - it's whats for dinner.
(_) blather reflects the people inside it, but people don't change that easily, ya know? 051128
falling_alone i must be oblivious to my surrounds
if i have yet to notice any of these accusations
u24 there is an important difference between unsolicited advertising and (nonsensical) rambling. 051129
question mark not period andru and oren,

is there a reason you don't do the exact same thing you are doing but on red blather instead?
dipperwell oh god, don't reign hell on red please. 051129
oren Gee, thanks. 051129
andru235 yes. there are three reasons that i don't do the exact same thing i am doing on red. the countdown to announcing one of them has already begun. the other two i could share right now, but my fissioned and fragile ego requires some stroking before i share. fortunately for the interested, i am a rather isolated person, and even a disgusted snort or some menacing jeers would suffice to replenish my confidence in myself. but don't overdo it - a real life bear hug, for instance, would render me speechless. 051129
question mark not period ? 051201
meta meta 090505
spoken .who? lol 090505
what's it to you?
who go