inferiority_complex today i saw an episod of star trek tos that i had never seen before

i was suprised, and glad

it was real good too

kirk, uhura, and chekov had been captured and forced to do gladiator shit by these glowing, pulsing brains while the enterprise was totally searching for them

kirk made no progress, but when the enterprise found them, kirk talked his way into betting for his freedom, and the freedom of the other gladiators vs. the freedom of his entire ship via a difficult (fot the captain, at least) gladiation

kirk was totally clever, so managed to gladiate supremely, and all was cool
Butterfly Collector That is a good episode, called "All Our Yesterdays" or something. Has a very nice lady not wearing much in it too. My favourite episode is the pilot for the Kirk version, I cant remember the name, but Kirks best friends, gary, turns into this evil godlike creature. His eyes go Silver and stuff. Bloody hell, the name is really pissing me off cause I cant remember it. 010814
Butterfly Collector I have remembered the title...."Where No Man Has Gone Before" 010814
Aimee My mom told me that I should only date someone who loves star trek... "never met a trekkie I didn't like" thank god she doesn't enforce it... then again, I am a star trek freak myself. 010814
Effingham Fish The documentary on them, Trekkies or Trekkers or whatever they call themselves, is worth it's weight in gold. And it weighs A LOT. Free Enterprise is cool, but could've been much better.

The show? Eh. Love Wrath of Khan to death, though. Also love the fifth movie, whose name escapes me (with Spock's brother), but hate the fourth one, same deal (with the whales). It's normally the other way around. Go figure.
User24 star trek nemesis was pretty good, but they killed data! bastards! 031028
oldephebe no not really because his memory engrams were downloaded to his more primitive older brother. Remember at the end where they show him affectionately interacting with "spot" the cat and his talk with picard where picards oracular eloquence triggers an indice of the intimate and avuncular relationship between Picard and then toe prot-Data begins to hum so gilbert and sullivan ditty with the emotive inflection that data wasn't just a rote racapitulation..some essence of data's soul still lives on..and remember Giordi expanded data's earlier incarnations' positronic memory i suspect we shall see data again..
User24 very true. 031028
dudeinanigloo I really like the ideas behind Star Trek. All these cool gadgets and advanced technology; but above all, the idea of utopia. Earth is paradise in the 24th century -- crime, poverty, famine, corruption, and disease do not exist. Much of this has to do with the fact that money does not exist in the Star Trek Earth. Star Trek really brings forth imaginations about what the human race could be in 350 years or so. If we ever want to get that far, we have a lot of work to do. 040422
V*ger (heheh) the future earth of star trek was actually a post apocalyptic one... they didn't learn the possibility of peaceful co-exitence until after they had nearly reached the brink of extinction ("encounter at farpoint", Q's trial scenario) 040423
oldephebe yeah. 040423
dudeinanigloo Very good point V*ger. We will probably bring ourselves to the brink of extinction before we learn to peacefully coexist among another. THEN, it will be paradise. 040423
oren I_heard Worf sing tonight. Now THAT was entertaining. 101027
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