unhinged you know i hate you
if he is back she hasn't heard from him
but he didn't want to tell me
he was leaving
he wanted to spare me
writing another sloppy
about him
thinking that
not saying anything at all
not telling me
makes me feel better
when i find out
that he got on an airplane
and isn't coming back
melinoma i love you 020611
kerry too much rain...
i like rain
but this is overkill.
and it fuzzes out your face
while i am in the car
waiting for them to return
listening to elvis costello
and praying you won't
get into another fight.
your beliefs are bullshit.
nothing is ever your fault
always someone elses
why do you keep those girls
under your watchful eye?
they'll never have
what they deserve if you don't stop
playing mind games.
share dfgs 020627
paste! my future home in roughly 2 weeks. i'm exhilarated is an understatement. 020627
realistic optimist my mecca realized, the secret mecca of so many with whom i talk. the rain is not so much rain as it is mist, and everyone here seems to have a cause, even if they don't seem to be too hip on manifesting it. for some reason, no one uses a turn signal... the music scene here is great, and the tittie bar scene even better. unfortunately the street kid crackrock/heroin scene is a bit much for me to handle sometimes, but i just move on. The footbag scene is top notch, and the poet/open mike scene is also good. there is every type of geological feature except tundra (and who needs that) there's a winter you can be outside in shorts during, and a summer which people come from all around to experience here. all in all, it's a pretty wonderful place. 030831
misstree *drool*
damn you.
garycooper it snowed for the first time
as we got in the car and headed
downtown to get you.
of course, the train was late and
we were thirsty, so we went
to a chinese resteraunt and
sat at the bar.
I proceeded to unkowingly order the worst hot toddie i have ever tasted.

The snow had taken over the town,
i remember it had been trecherous going over the bridge to the station.

After a few more bars and hours,
you finally came in on the train. It was cold; i had missed you, and your cheeks turned rosey in the winter air, so I threw a snowball at you; then you told me you would be leaving to move to new york. I put my arm around you and we went home.

I think, if I remember correctly, I didn't look at you for the rest of the night, and tried to convince myself that I was proud of you, and able to understand.
my name it means nothing next_stop 090914
what's it to you?
who go