peyton My god.. this film is me..

I've lived in that world for so long.. with my dreams and my Estellas..

I'm listening to the music from the film right now.. Estella's Theme.. from the musical score.

If any of you ever want to know me.. watch that film.. I'm Finn..

To this day I can't watch and not be in tears..
the birds and the beasts and the madmen so are we all 010225
I can never be an Estella...
unhinged expectation always leads to everything short of the expected. yet we always have expectations for ourselves and those around us. the greater the expectation the greater the disappointment. motivation and expectation are two different things. motivation is what makes me practice. expectation is what makes me cry in my lessons when i'm playing below what i expected and he expected. greatness just sets us up for the fall. even the greeks knew that. 010226
Dafremen When given the choice between optimism and pessimism, I choose pessimism.

Realistically one of the most POSITIVE things you can do to improve your outlook on life is to be pessimistic.

You see optimists expect good things and so when good things come their way, life is simply living up to their expectations. More often than not, however, life DOESN'T live up to their expectations and so they go through life being bitterly disappointed, often becoming horribly and unreasonably cynical.

Pessimists on the other hand, are RARELY disappointed by what life hands them and are, more often than not, pleasantly suprised!

Yup life kicks ass when you approach it with a healthy dose of pessimism.
Sonya "Don't you know me at all?" 020109
ilovepatsajak MISS HAVISHAM:
Come nearer; let me look at you. Come close. Look at me. You are not afraid of a woman who has never seen the sun since you were born?


Do you know what I touch here?

Yes, ma'am.

What do I touch?

Your heart.


lets say there was a little girl. and from the time she could understand she was taught to fear, lets say she was taught you fear daylight. she was taught it was her enemy, that it would hurt her. and then one a sunny day you ask her to go outside and play. and she wont. you cant be angry at her, can you?
a shadow in a sketchbook o/~ "you are the last drink
i never should have drunk" o/~

JArvis Cocker, Pulp.
werewolf my first love, she wanted nothing more than to be estella when our school put on great expectations. You think i would've known. But you know how it is, you think you're born to love her. You think, it can be fixed. But it's not possible. That front's been closed a long time. It's not that she's broken to everyone. Just to me. But it doesn't feel any less impossible, the distance between us any less inhumanly enduring. 020908
nomatter tried to read the book, was too impatient. I rented the movie and was in awe. I can't even tell you how many times I watched it. I bought the book, read it. Bought the movie, watched it. 031009
peyton 050818
what's it to you?
who go